   Post-construction stormwater management in areas undergoing new development or redevelopment is necessary because runoff from these areas has been shown to significantly affect receiving water bodies. Post-construction pollutant loadings will be controlled through the six (6) minimum control measures under the KPDES stormwater permit.
   (A)   Redevelopment projects are required to meet twenty percent (20%) of the local water quality standard.
   (B)   The design of structural BMPs shall be by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the field civil engineering.
   (C)   The property owner shall be responsible for all maintenance and record keeping and reporting as detailed in the Maintenance Agreement.
   (D)   The City of Berea and its agents shall have right of entry to inspect, observe, test or perform any other activity related to the operation, maintenance and function of the stormwater infrastructure.
   (E)   General requirements for post-construction stormwater control requirements for design, maintenance and a menu of BMPs are located in the post-construction section of the City of Berea's Stormwater Manual. These regulations in the manual shall be the standard practice for post-construction compliance in the City of Berea.
   (F)   Stream corridor protection BMPs shall be utilized to protect designated streams and waterways through conservation methods. These methods may include buffer strips, greenways, vegetated channels, stream bank stabilization and restoration.
   (G)   Impervious area runoff controls shall be utilized to address high levels of runoff quantity and reduced quality associated with high-density developments. These controls may include preservation of open space, minimizing impervious surfaces, porous pavement, utilization of grass swales instead of curb and gutter, reduced pavement widths and similar measures.
   (H)   Discharge control BMPs shall be utilized to provide flow attenuation for post-development runoff. These BMPs may include detention facilities, extended detention basins, retention facilities and artificial wetlands.
   (I)   If a new development or redevelopment project contributes runoff to downstream receiving waters that are impaired or infrastructure that does not have sufficient capacity, the city may, at its discretion, require stormwater management controls greater than the minimum required by this section. Drainage calculations shall be provided by the developer's engineer to demonstrate the integration with the downstream hydraulic system.
   (J)   All facilities must be designed to require minimal maintenance to ensure that the facilities do not become nuisances or health hazards. Maintenance expectations shall be clearly stated in the maintenance agreement.
   (K)   The Approving Agency of the City of Berea, at its discretion, may require the developer of a new development or redevelopment project to provide off-site mitigation of stormwater BMP improvements in priority areas within the development watershed, when water quality treatment standards cannot be met.
   (L)   The requirements set forth in this section are intended to:
      (1)   Develop and implement strategies which include a combination of structural and/or non-structural best management practices (BMPs) that prevent or minimize water quality impacts from developments in the City of Berea.
      (2)   Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs.
      (3)   Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities.
      (4)   Encourage the preservation of floodplains, floodways and open spaces to protect and benefit the community's quality of life and natural resources.
(Ord. No. 24-14, § 1, 12-16-14; Am. Ord. No. 06-20, § 1, 3-3-20)