§ 81.101 PROCEDURE
   The following guidelines are intended to be used as a design aid by developers proposing large retail developments and as an evaluation tool by the staff of the planning commission in its review process. These guidelines shall apply to all projects, which are processed according to the criteria for proposed development plans and to all projects for retail establishments of more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet, or expansions of existing buildings or developments which would result in a building or more than a total of forty thousand (40,000) square feet. These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the subdivision and development regulations.
(Ord. No. 13-02, § 1, 6-3-03)
   For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “ARCADE.” An area contiguous to a street or plaza that is open and unobstructed, and that is accessible to the public at all times. “ARCADES” may include building columns, landscaping, statuary and fountains. “ARCADES” do not include off-street loading/unloading areas, driveways or parking areas.
   “ARTICULATE.” To give emphasis to or distinctly identify a particular element. An articulated facade would be the emphasis of elements on the face of a wall including a change in setback, materials, roof pitch or height.
   “AS-OF-RIGHT ZONING.” Uses and development standards that are determined in advance and specifically authorized by the zoning regulations (for example, a single-family zone would allow single- family housing as-of-right so long as site development standards are met). This type of zoning is in contrast to cumulative or pyramidal zoning.
   “BERM.” An earthen mound designed to provide visual interest on a site, screen undesirable views, reduce noise or provide a buffer from adjoining uses.
   “BREEZEWAY.” A structure for the principal purpose of connecting a main building or structure on a property with other buildings.
   “BUFFER.” See also “SCREEN.” An area provided to reduce the conflict between two different land uses. “BUFFERS” are intended to mitigate undesired views, noise and glare, effectively providing greater privacy to neighboring land uses. Typical buffers consist of materials that serve this purpose and include, but are not limited to, plant materials, walls, fences and/or significant land area to separate the uses.
   “BUFFER STRIP.” A portion of a lot or property used to visually separate one use from another through the use of vegetation, distance, or other approved method.
   “BUILDING FACE, FRONT.” Any building face which can be touched by a line drawn perpendicular to street (public or private).
   “BUILDING FACE, PUBLIC.” Any building side which is visible from public or private rights-of-way and/or the faces that contain public entry.
   “BUILDING MASS.” The building’s expanse or bulk and is typically used in reference to structures of considerable size.
   “DESIGN GUIDELINES.” Statements and graphics intended to direct the planning and development of the built environment in a particular manner or style so that the end result contributes positively to the overall development.
   “DORMER.” A window set vertically in a gable projecting from a sloping roof.
   “FACADE.” The portion of any exterior elevation on the building extending from grade to the top of the parapet, wall or eaves, and extending the entire length of the building.
   “FRONT YARD.” The portion of the front yard extending the full width of the lot and measured between the front lot line and a parallel line across the front of the building. Corner and double lots shall adhere to the front yard setback(s) for each frontage.
   “GABLE.” A triangular wall section at the end of a pitched roof, bounded by the two (2) roof slopes.
   “HIP ROOF.” Roof without gables.
   “PARAPET.” The portion fo a wall that extends above the roofline.
   “PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT.” Development designed with an emphasis primarily on the street sidewalk and on pedestrian access to the site and buildings/structures rather than on auto access. The buildings/structures are generally located close to the public or private right-of-way and the main entrance is oriented to the street sidewalk. There are generally windows or display cases along building facades. Although parking is provided, it is generally limited in size and location.
   “PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY.” A surfaced walkway, separate from the traveled portion of a public or private right-of-way or parking lot/driving aisle.
   “PORTICO.” A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
   “PUBLIC/PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY.” Any public or private road, or access easement, intended to provide public access to any lot/development, but excluding any service road or internal driving aisles (for example, within parking lots).
   “SCREEN.” See also “BUFFER.” The sole purpose of a “SCREEN” is to block views. A “SCREEN” should be constructed of opaque materials and whose height will be effective in obstructing unwanted views.
   “SETBACK.” A prescribed distance or an area between one (1) element and another (for example, a building and the road right-of-way). Within these guidelines, the term also refers to:
      (1)   The minimum distance and the area measured from the property line to the interior of a parcel where buildings may be constructed.
      (2)   The required distance and the area between the edge of the parking lot pavement/curb and the property line or buildings/structures.
      (3)   Placing a building face on a line to the rear of another building line.
   “STREETSCAPE.” All elements of a development or area that are in view from other points along a street.
(Ord. No. 13-02, § 1, 6-3-03)
   (A)   Aesthetic character.
      (1)   Facades and exterior walls.
         (a)   Intent. Facades should be articulated to reduce the massive scale and the uniform, impersonal appearances of large retain buildings and provide visual interest that will be more consistent with the community’s identity, character and scale. The intent is to encourage a more human scale that residents of Berea-Madison County will be able to identify with their community. The resulting scale will ensure a greater likelihood for reuse of structure by subsequent tenants.
         (b)   Guideline. Developments with facade over one hundred (100) feet in linear length shall incorporate wall projections or recesses a minimum of three (3) feet depth and a minimum of twenty (20) contiguous feet within each one hundred (100) feet of facade length and shall extend over twenty (20) percent of the facade. Developments shall use animating features such as arcades, display windows, entry areas, or awnings along at least sixty (60) percent of the facade.
      (2)   Smaller retail stores.
         (a)   Intent. The presence of smaller retail stores gives a center a “friendlier” appearance by creating variety, breaking up large expanses, and expanding the range of the site’s activities. Windows and window displays of such stores should be used to contribute to the visual interest of exterior facades. The standards presented in this article are directed toward those situations where additional, smaller stores, with separate, exterior customer entrances are located in the principal buildings or development site.
         (b)   Guideline. Where principal buildings contain additional, separately owned stores, which occupy less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of gross floor area, with separate, exterior customer entrances:
            1.   The street level facade of such stores shall be transparent between the height of three (3) feet and eight (8) feet above the walkway grade for no less than sixty (60) percent of the horizontal length of the building facade of such additional stores.
            2.   Windows shall be recessed and should include visually prominent sills, shutters, or other such forms of framing.
      (3)   Detail features.
         (a)   Intent. Buildings should have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest, at the scale of the pedestrian, reduce massive aesthetic effects, and recognize local character. The elements in the following standard should be integral parts of the building fabric, and not superficially applied trim or graphics, or paint.
         (b)   Guideline. Building facades shall include a repeating pattern that shall include no less than three (3) of the elements listed below. At least one (1) of these elements shall repeat horizontally. All elements shall repeat at intervals of no more than thirty (30) feet, either horizontally or vertically.
            1.   Color change.
            2.   Texture change.
            3.   Material module change.
            4.   Expression of architectural or structural bay through a change in plane no less than twelve (12) inches in width, such as an offset, reveal, or projecting rib.
      (4)   Roofs.
         (a)   Intent. Variations in roof lines should be used to add interest to, and reduce the massive scale of large buildings. Roof features should complement the character of adjoining neighborhoods.
         (b)   Guideline. Roof lines, or the facade above a flat roof, shall be varied with a change in height every one hundred (100) linear feet in the building length. Parapets, mansard roofs, gable roofs, hip roofs, or dormers shall be used to conceal flat roofs and rooftop equipment from public view. Alternative lengths and designs may be acceptable and can be addressed during the preliminary development plan.
      (5)   Materials and colors.
         (a)   Intent. Exterior building materials and colors comprise a significant part of the visual impact of a building. Therefore, they should be aesthetically pleasing and compatible with materials and colors used in adjoining neighborhoods.
         (b)   Guideline.
            1.   Predominant exterior building materials shall be high quality materials. These include, without limitation:
               A.   Brick.
               B.   Wood.
               C.   Sandstone.
               D.   Other native stone.
               E.   Tinted, textured, concrete masonry units.
            2.   Facade colors shall be low reflectance, subtle, neutral, or earth tone colors. The use of high intensity colors, metallic colors, black or fluorescent colors is prohibited.
            3.   Building trim and accent areas may feature brighter colors, including primary colors, but neon tubing shall not be an acceptable feature for building trim or accent areas.
            4.   Predominant exterior building materials as well as accents should not include the following:
               A.   Smooth-faced concrete block.
               B.   Tilt-up concrete panels.
               C.   Pre-fabricated steel panels.
      (6)   Entryways.
         (a)   Intent. Entryway design elements and variations should give orientation and aesthetically pleasing character to the building. The standards identify desirable entryway design features.
         (b)   Guideline. Each principal building on a site shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances featuring no less than three (3) of the following:
            1.   Canopies or porticos.
            2.   Overhangs.
            3.   Recesses/projections.
            4.   Arcades.
            5.   Raised corniced parapets over the door.
            6.   Peaked roof forms.
            7.   Arches.
            8.   Outdoor patios.
            9.   Display windows.
            10.   Architectural details such as tile work and moldings which are integrated into the building structure and design.
            11.   Integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting.
      (7)   Interior design and utilities.
         (a)   Intent. Interior design should provide for ease of division of “big box” buildings into two (2) or more spaces.
         (b)   Guideline. Interior supports and utilities shall be placed to facilitate division of “big box” buildings into separate retail spaces at minimal expense.
   (C)   Site design and relationship to the surrounding community.
      (1)   Entrances.
         (a)   1.   Intent. Large retail building should feature multiple entrances. Multiple building entrances reduce walking distances from cars, facilitate pedestrian and bicycle access from public sidewalks, and provide convenience where certain entrances offer access to individual stores, or identified departments in a store. Multiple entrances also mitigate the effect of the unbroken walls and neglected areas that often characterize building facades that face bordering land uses.
            2.   Guideline. All sides of a principal building that directly face an abutting public or private right-of-way shall feature at least one (1) customer entrance. Where a principal building directly faces more than two (2) abutting public or private rights-of-way, this requirement shall apply only to two (2) sides of the building, including the side of the building facing the primary street, and another side of the building facing a secondary street.
         (b)   The number of entrances for the principal building shall be addressed at the preliminary development plan stage. Where additional stores will be located in the principal building, each such store shall have at least one (1) exterior customer entrance, which shall conform to the above requirements.
      (2)   Parking lot orientation.
         (a)   Intent. Parking areas should provide safe, convenient, and efficient access for vehicles and pedestrians. They should be distributed around large buildings in order to shorten the distance to other buildings and public sidewalks and to reduce the overall scale of the paved surface. If buildings are located closer to streets, the scale of the complex is reduced, pedestrian traffic is encouraged, and architectural details take on added importance.
         (b)   Guideline. No more than sixty (60) percent of the off-street parking area for the entire property shall be located within the front yard of the principal building(s) street unless the principal building(s) and/or parking lots are screened from view by outlot development (such as restaurants) and additional tree plantings and/or berms.
      (3)   Back and sides.
         (a)   Intent. The rear or sides of buildings often present an unattractive view of blank walls, loading areas, storage areas, HVAC units, garbage receptacles, and other such features. Architectural and landscaping features should mitigate these impacts. Any back or side of a building visible from a public or private right-of-way shall be built in accordance with Article I. The planning commission may waive this requirement as part of the development plan.
         (b)   Guideline. The minimum setback for any building facade shall be in accordance with the B-4 requirements (Section 81.___, hereof). Where the facade faces adjacent residential uses an earthen berm shall be installed, no less than six (6) feet in height, containing at a minimum, a double row of evergreen or deciduous trees planted at intervals of fifteen (15) feet on center. Additional landscaping may be required by the planning commission to effectively buffer adjacent land use as deemed appropriate. All additional landscape requirements of the zoning ordinance shall apply.
      (4)   Outdoor storage, trash collection, and loading areas.
         (a)   Intent. Loading areas and outdoor storage areas exert visual and noise impacts on surrounding neighborhoods. These areas, when visible from adjoining properties and/or public streets, should be screened, recessed or enclosed. While screens and recesses can effectively mitigate these impacts, the selection of inappropriate screening materials can exacerbate the problem. Appropriate locations for loading and unloading storage areas include areas between buildings, where more than one (1) building is located on a site and such buildings are not more than forty (40) feet apart, or on those sides of buildings that do not have customer entrances.
         (b)   Guideline.
            1.   Areas for outdoor storage, truck parking, trash collection or compaction, loading, or other such uses shall not be visible from public or private rights-of-way.
            2.   No areas for outdoor storage, trash collection or compaction, loading, or other such uses shall be located within twenty (20) feet of any public or street, public sidewalk, or internal pedestrian way.
            3.   Loading docks, truck parking, outdoor storage, utility meters, HVAC equipment, trash dumpsters, trash compaction, and other service functions shall be incorporated into the overall design of the building and the landscaping so that the visual and acoustic impacts of these functions are fully contained and out of view from adjacent properties and public streets, and no attention is attracted to the functions by the use of screening materials that are different from or inferior to the principal materials of the building and landscape.
            4.   Non-enclosed areas for the storage and sale of seasonal inventory shall be permanently defined and screened with walls and/or fences. Materials, colors, and designs of screening walls and/or fences and the cover shall conform to those used as predominant materials and colors of the building. If such areas are to be covered, then the covering shall conform to those used as predominant materials and colors on the buildings.
            5.   Temporary sales/displays, such as Christmas trees, landscape materials, and fireworks shall follow all outdoor requirements for commercial districts as described in the zoning ordinance. Location and time/duration of such sales/displays shall be reviewed and approved by the code officer or appointed designee.
      (5)   Pedestrian flows.
         (a)   Intent. Pedestrian accessibility opens auto-oriented developments to the neighborhood, thereby reducing traffic impacts and enabling the development to project a friendlier, more inviting image. This section sets forth standards for public sidewalks and internal pedestrian circulation systems that can provide user-friendly pedestrian access as well as pedestrian safety, shelter, and convenience within the center grounds.
         (b)   Guideline.
            1.   Sidewalks at least six (6) feet in width shall be provided along all sides of the lot that abut a public or private right-of-way. The planning commission may waive this requirement as part of the development plan.
            2.   Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less than five (5) feet in width, shall be provided from the public sidewalk or right-of-way to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site. At a minimum, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity, such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, building and store entry points, and shall feature adjoining landscaped areas that include trees, shrubs, benches, flower beds, ground covers, or other such materials for no less than fifty (50) percent of their length.
            3.   Sidewalks, no less than five (5) feet in width, shall be provided along the full length of the building along any facade featuring a customer entrance, and along any facade abutting public parking areas. Such sidewalks shall be located at least six (6) feet from the facade of the building to provide planting beds foundation landscaping, except where features such as arcades or entryways are part of the facade.
            4.   Internal pedestrian walkways provided in conformance with division (C)(5)2. above shall provide weather protection features such as awnings or arcades within thirty (30) feet of all customer entrances, constructed parallel to the facade of the building. This is not intended to extend into the driving aisles or parking areas.
            5.   All internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of durable, low maintenance surface materials such as pavers, bricks, or scored concrete to enhance pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as the attractiveness of the walkways. Signs shall be installed to designate pedestrian walkways.
      (6)   Central features and community spaces.
         (a)   Intent. Buildings should offer attractive and inviting pedestrian scale features, spaces and amenities. Entrances and parking lots should be configured to be functional and inviting with walkways conveniently tied to logical destinations. Bus stops and drop-off/pick-up points should be anchored by special design features such as towers, arcades, porticos, pedestrian light fixtures, bollards, planter walls, and other architectural elements that define circulation ways and outdoor spaces. The features and spaces should enhance the building and the center as integral parts of the community fabric.
         (b)   Guideline. 
            1.   Each retail establishment subject to these standards shall contribute to the establishment or enhancement of community and public spaces by providing at least two (2) of the following: patio/seating area, pedestrian plaza with benches, transportation center, window shopping walkways, outdoor play area, kiosk area, water feature, clock tower, steeple, or other such deliberately shaped area and/or a focal feature or amenity that, in the judgment of the planning commission, adequately enhances such community and public spaces. Any such areas shall have direct access to the public sidewalk network and such features shall not be constructed of materials that are inferior to the principal materials of the building and landscape.
            2.   Areas should be provided or designed to accommodate possible (future) bus service and the growing number of private bus services.
(Ord. No. 13-02, § 1, 6-3-03; Am. Ord. No. 09-2009, § 1, 6-2-09)
   (A)   In the event it is determined by the planning commission that compliance with these design guidelines would result in extraordinary hardship to a developer proposing a large retail development due to the unusual topography or conditions beyond the control of the developer, then the planning commission may modify, vary, or waive the design guidelines, provided that the modification, variance, or waiver will not nullify the intent of these design guidelines, and provided further that the modification, variance, or waiver, and the reason therefor, shall be entered upon the minutes of the planning commission.
   (B)   Each modification, variance, or waiver of these design standards sought by a developer shall be specifically applied for in writing.
(Ord. No. 13-02, § 1, 6-3-03)