   For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
   (A)   A permittee hereunder shall comply with all permit directions and conditions and with all applicable laws and ordinances.
   (B)   The parade or public assembly chairman or other person heading such activity shall carry the parade or public assembly permit upon his person during the conduct of the parade or public assembly.
(Ord. No. 13-04, § 1, 7-6-04)
   The following prohibitions shall apply to all parades and public assemblies:
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any persons to stage, present, or conduct any parade or public assembly without first having obtained a permit as herein provided;
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to participate in a parade or public assembly for which the person knows a permit has not been granted;
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of, or responsible for the conduct of, a duly licensed parade or public assembly to knowingly fail to comply with any condition of the permit;
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any parade or public assembly activity that would constitute a substantial hazard to the public safety or that would materially interfere with or endanger the public peace or rights of residents to the quite and peaceful enjoyment of their property;
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person participating in any parade or public assembly to carry or possess any length of metal, lumber, wood or similar material for purposes of displaying a sign, poster, plaque, or notice, unless such object is one-fourth (1/4) inch or less in thickness and two (2) inches or less in width, or if not generally rectangular in shape, such object shall not exceed three-fourths (3/4) inch in its thickest dimension;
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for any person to carry any sign, poster, plaque, or notice, whether or not mounted on a length of material as specified in subsection (E) of this section, unless such sign, poster, plaque, or notice is constructed or made of a cloth, paper, or cardboard material;
   (G)   It shall be unlawful for any person participating in a parade or public assembly to utilize sound amplification equipment at decibel levels that exceed those limits imposed by the city; and
   (H)   It shall be unlawful for any persons to ride, drive, or cause to be ridden or driven any animal or any animal-drawn vehicle upon any public street, unless specifically authorized by the permit.
(Ord. No. 13-04, § 1, 7-6-04)
   (A)   No person shall unreasonably hamper, obstruct or impede, or interfere with any parade or public assembly or with any person, vehicle or animal participating or used in a parade or public assembly.
   (B)   No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles or persons comprising a parade or public assembly when such vehicle or persons are in motion and are conspicuously designated as a parade or public assembly.
   (C)   The Chief of Police shall have the authority, when reasonably necessary, to prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles along a street constituting a part of the route of a parade or public assembly. The Chief of Police shall post signs to that effect, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended any vehicle in violation thereof. No person shall be liable for parking on a street unposted in violation of this article.
(Ord. No. 13-04, § 1, 7-6-04)
   The Chief of Police shall have the authority to revoke a parade or public assembly permit instantly upon violation of the conditions or standards for issuance as set forth in this article of when a public emergency arises where the police resources required for that emergency are so great that deployment of police services for the parade or public assembly would have an immediate and adverse effect upon the welfare and safety of persons or property.
(Ord. No. 13-04, § 1, 7-6-04)
§ 54.299 PENALTY
   Any person violating the provisions of any section of this article shall, upon conviction, be punished by fine nor to exceed five-hundred dollars ($500), or imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days, or both.
(Ord. No. 13-04, § 1, 7-6-04)
   Any person intending to use a public address system within the city for any purpose, shall first obtain a written permit to do so, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, from the mayor, stating the time of the intended use.
(Ord. No. 25.68, § 3, 11-6-68)