There is hereby adopted a system of numbers for lots or parcel abutting the public streets and right-of-ways in the city, which system is set out on a map on file in the office of the city clerk, and the code enforcement officer of the city assigning numbers to lots or parcels of property.
(Ord. No. 5.90, § 1, 3-20-90)
The owner of each parcel or lot assigned a street number in the system of numbering in § 41.400, if the lot or parcel has on it any building improvement, shall identify the lot or parcel number by affixing to the improvement such number(s) in letters or numbers at least three (3) inches in height, which shall be legible from the street, or by causing to be painted or affixed to the curb in front of the lot or parcel the street number assigned in letters or numbers at least four (4) inches high, and which identification shall be clearly legible from the street. All property owners shall comply with this requirement on or before July 1, 1990.
(Ord. No. 5.90, § 1, 3-2-90)
The purpose of the sign maintenance policy is to establish and maintain uniform practices concerning sign maintenance for city streets and roadways. The policy is intended to set out the evaluation and assessment method employed by the city for the general maintenance of traffic signage and adequate sign retroreflectivity. The method described herein consists of routine daytime reviews for post or sign misalignment, damage, theft, or deterioration, and a nighttime biennial visual assessment of all signs in a specified area to assure adequate retroreflectivity.
(Ord. No. 10-2012, 8-7-12)