   The Operations Manager may modify an industrial user permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons:
   (A)   To incorporate any new or revised federal, state or local pretreatment standards or requirements;
   (B)   To address significant alterations or additions to the user's operation, processes or wastewater volume or character since the time of the individual wastewater discharge permit issuance;
   (C)   A change in the POTW that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge;
   (D)   Information indicating that the permitted discharge poses a threat to the Berea POTW, personnel, biosolids disposal and/or the receiving stream;
   (E)   Violation of any terms or conditions of the industrial user permit;
   (F)   Misrepresentations of failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application or in any required reporting;
   (G)   Revision of or a grant of variance from categorical pretreatment standards pursuant to 40 CFR 403.13; or
   (H)   To correct typographical or other errors in the discharge permit.
(Ord. No. 17-91, 6-25-91; Am. Ord. No. 01-13, § 5, 2-5-13)
   Industrial user permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other applicable regulations, user charges and fees established by the city. Permits may contain the following:
   (A)   The unit surcharges or schedule of other charges and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to a community sewer;
   (B)   Effluent limits, including best management practices, on the average and/or maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics;
   (C)   Limits on average and/or maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalization;
   (D)   Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities;
   (E)   Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling location; frequency of sampling; number, type and standards for tests; and reporting schedule;
   (F)   Compliance schedules;
   (G)   Requirements for submission of technical reports or discharge reports;
   (H)   Requirements for maintaining and retaining, for a minimum of three (3) years, all plant records relating to pretreatment and/or wastewater discharge as specified by the city, and affording city access thereto as required by 40 CFR 403:12(0)(2);
   (I)   Requirements for notification of the city or any new introduction of wastewater constituents or any substantial change in the volume or character of the wastewater constituents being introduced into the wastewater treatment system;
   (J)   Requirements for notification of slug discharges;
   (K)   The permit may require the user to reimburse the city for all expenses related to monitoring, sampling and testing performed at the direction of the Operations Manager and deemed necessary by the city to verify that the user is in compliance with said permit;
   (L)   Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the city to ensure compliance with this chapter;
   (M)   A statement that indicates the industrial wastewater discharge permit issuance date, expiration date and effective date;
   (N)   A statement that the industrial wastewater discharge permit is nontransferable;
   (O)   Requirements to control slug discharge, if determined by the Operations Manager, to be necessary;
   (P)   A statement of applicable civil and criminal penalties for violation of pretreatment standards and requirements, and any applicable compliance schedule. Such schedule may not extend the time for compliance beyond that required by applicable federal, state or local law.
(Ord. No. 17-91, 6-25-91; Am. Ord. No. 01-13, § 6, 2-5-13)
   (A)   Where an effluent from a categorical industrial process(es) is mixed prior to treatment with wastewater other than that generated by the regulated process, fixed alternative discharge limits may be derived for the discharge permit by the superintendent. These alternative limits shall be applied to the mixed effluent and shall be calculated using the combined wastestream formula and/or flow-weighted average formula as defined in Division I.
   (B)   Where the effluent limits in a categorical pretreatment standard are expressed only in terms of mass of pollutants per unit of production (production-based standard), the superintendent may convert the limits to equivalent limitations expressed either as mass of pollutant discharged per day or of effluent concentration for purposes of calculating effluent permit limitations applicable to the permittee. The permittee shall be subject to all permit limits calculated in this manner under 40 CFR 403.6(c) and must fully comply with these alternative limits.
   (C)   All categorical users subject to production-based standards must report production rates annually so that alternative permit limits can be calculated if necessary. The categorical user must notify the superintendent thirty (30) days in advance of any major change in production levels that will affect the limits for the discharge permit.
(Ord. No. 17-91, 6-25-91)