The following abbreviations shall have the designated meaning:
      ADMI      American Dye Manufacturers Institute
      ASTM      American Society for Testing and Materials
      BMP      Best Management Practices
      BOD      Biochemical Oxygen Demand
      BPJ      Best Professional Judgment
      CFR      Code of Federal Regulations
      CIU      Categorical Industrial User
      CWA      Clean Water Act (33 USC 1251 et seq.)
      CWF      Combined Wastestream Formula
      EPA      Environmental Protection Agency
      FWA      Flow Weighted Average
       FR      Federal Register
      GC      Gas Chromatography
      GC/MS   Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy
      gpd      Gallons per day
      IU      Industrial User
      l      Liter
      mg      Milligrams
      mg/l      Milligrams per liter
      NPDES   National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
      KPDES   Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
      POTW      Publicly Owned Treatment Works
      QA      Quality Assurance
      QC      Quality Control
      RCRA      Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
      SIC      Standard Industrial Classification
      SIU      Significant Industrial User
      SWDA      Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6901, et. seq.
      TSS      Total Suspended Solids
      TTO      Total Toxic Organics
      USC      United States Code
(Ord. No. 17-91, 6-25-91)