The rates and charges for the consumption of utility services furnished by the city, as well as the charges and fees for connection to the system, shall be determined by the city council by ordinance and on file in the office of the city clerk.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05)
All bills for utility services furnished by the city shall be due and payable prior to midnight of the fifteenth day following the date of the bill. However, if the due date falls on a Sunday or a legal holiday observed by the city, then the bill shall be due and payable by midnight of the following business day.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05)
In the event any consumer of any utility services furnished by the city fails to pay the bill when it is due, a late payment penalty of ten percent (10%) shall be added to the bill; provided that a customer may request a one-time waiver of the penalty due to extenuating circumstances, conditioned upon the following:
(A) The customer has a payment history of twelve (12) months or more with Berea Municipal Utilities;
(B) A written request for a one-time waiver is submitted to Berea Municipal Utilities, specifying the reason for the request and the extenuating circumstances underlying the request;
(C) The customer has had no disconnection fees, returned checks, or fees for tampering with the utilities’ services within a twelve (12) month period preceding the request;
(D) The request for a one-time waiver is made within thirty (30) days of the imposition of the penalty;
(E) The account excluding the penalty is brought current by the 20th of the next succeeding month; and
(F) Acknowledgment by the customer that the waiver does not prevent disconnection of service for non-payment.
(G) The director of Berea Municipal Utilities shall make the final determination of the eligibility of any applicant for a one-time waiver, and the determination shall be final and non- appealable.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05; Am. Ord. No. 25-2021, § 1, 10-19-21)