31.001 Definition
31.002 Scope of provisions
31.003 Service to comply with technical provisions
31.004 Rules, regulations
31.005 Inspection outside city
31.006 Right of entry
31.007 Termination of service authorized
31.008 Liability of city for damage
31.009 Application for service
31.010 Declination of service authorized
31.011 Use of service assumed
31.012 Prohibitions, penalty
31.013 Damage, trespass of equipment prohibited
31.014 Temporary interruption of service authorized
31.015 Use restriction authorized
31.016 Sale of service by customer prohibited
31.017 Connections to service
31.018 Separate connections required
31.019 Unlawful connections prohibited
31.020 Unlawful use prohibited
31.021 Maintenance of system by consumer required
31.022 Meters
31.100 Deposits required
31.101 Connection fees
31.102 Transfer of deposit prohibited
31.103 Determination of charges
31.104 Payment of services due
31.105 Penalty for failure to pay
31.106 Disconnection for nonpayment
31.107 Reserved
31.108 Voluntary discontinuance of service
Division 1. General Provisions
31.300 Purpose and policy
31.301 Definitions
31.302 Abbreviations
Division 2. Use of Public Sewers
31.310 Mandatory sewer connection
31.311 Unlawful discharge to storm sewers or natural outlets
31.312 Compliance with local, state and federal laws
31.313 Discharge of unpolluted waters into sewer
31.314 Prohibited discharges
31.315 Connections to sewage system prohibited to commercial or industrial property outside city limits
Division 3. Private Wastewater Disposal
31.320 Public sewer not available
31.321 Requirements for installation
Division 4. Building Sewers and Connections
31.330 Permits
31.331 Prohibited connections
31.332 Design and Installations
31.333 Inspection
31.334 Duty of architects, contractors, etc
Division 5. Pollutant Discharge Limits
31.340 General conditions
31.341 Restricted discharges
31.342 Dilution of wastewater discharge
31.343 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
31.344 Special industrial pretreatment requirements
31.345 Protection from accidental and slug discharges
31.346 State requirements
31.347 City's right of revision
31.348 Federal categorical pretreatment standards
Division 6. Pretreatment Program Administration
31.360 Wastewater discharges
31.361 Industrial user permits
31.362 Permit modifications
31.363 Permit conditions
31.364 Alternative discharge limits
31.365 Permit duration
31.366 Permit transfer
31.367 Compliance data reporting
31.368 Periodic Compliance Reports
31.369 Permit violations
31.370 Monitoring requirements
31.371 Inspection and sampling
31.372 Pretreatment
31.373 Annual publication
31.374 Significant non-compliance
Division 6. Pretreatment Program Administration, continued
31.375 Confidential information
31.376 Signatory Requirements
Division 7. Sewer Charges, Fees and Surcharges
31.380 Purpose
31.381 Charges and fees
31.382 Definition of charges
31.383 Sewer rates
31.384 Surcharge rate schedule
31.385 Method of billing surcharges
31.386 Financial management system
31.387 Rates outside corporate limits
31.388 Method of billing
31.389 Revenue stabilization adjustment
Division 8. Powers and Authority of Inspectors
31.390 Right to enter premises
31.391 Right to obtain information regarding discharge
31.392 Access to easements
31.393 Safety
Division 9. Enforcement
31.395 General
31.396 Enforcement actions
31.399 Penalties
All pertinent provisions of this chapter are hereby made a part of the terms and conditions whereby the city shall furnish any utility service to any person, or whereby the city shall make any utility connections, or perform any work of any kind in connection with the furnishing of any utility service pursuant to the rules and regulations of the city council. Operation of municipal utilities is vested in the municipal utilities department pursuant to § 32.100 of this code.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05)
Any utility service furnished under the provisions of this chapter shall be in accordance with and in compliance with all applicable technical provisions of this Code, state law and city ordinances, rules and regulations.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05)
The city council shall have the authority to establish, by rules or regulations, the standards and specifications as may be deemed necessary for the installation, construction and maintenance of any utility service system owned and operated by the city within or without the city and under the management of the council. The rules, regulations, standards and specifications shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. Violation of the rules, regulations, standards and specifications shall be deemed a misdemeanor.
(1976 Code) (Ord. No. 02-05, § 1, 2-15-05)