It is understood that implementation of this policy is an on-going process which will make the plan a viable, effective document:
(A) Responsibility. The city administrator/coordinator shall be responsible for implementation of the plan and shall have authority to require department heads to furnish information necessary to keep current forms and reports.
(B) Duties. The administrator/coordinator shall disseminate the city's equal employment opportunity policy as set forth in the affirmative action plan; maintain current job classifications and minimum requirements based on the tasks to be performed by each position, an updated workforce analysis, an applicant flow chart and job roster; and prepare a consolidated report for the entire city government.
(C) Reports. The administrator/coordinator shall monitor the operation of this plan and shall prepare a consolidated annual progress report together with indications of problem areas and recommendations for solutions for the city council.
(Res., 6-28-88)
Any employee who believes he has been adversely affected by an act or decision of the supervisory or managerial personnel of the city and that the act or decision was based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin or disability shall have the right to process a complaint or grievance in accordance with the following procedures:
(A) An employee who has a grievance regarding his employment by the city may discuss the grievance with his supervisor.
(B) If, following discussion, the decision of the supervisor regarding the grievance does not satisfy the employee, he may discuss it with the administrator/coordinator.
(C) If the decision of the administrator/coordinator does not satisfy the employee, he may request a hearing. The decision of the council regarding the grievance shall be final.
(D) In thus discussing the grievance, the employee may designate any person of his choice to appear with him and participate in the discussion. The council may require the supervisor to participate in the discussion of the grievance when it is brought before the council.
(E) Any prospective employee or applicant for employment who is denied employment with the city and believes that denial was based in whole or in part on the race, religion, sex, age or physical condition of the applicant may file a written complaint with the administrator/coordinator who shall make every effort to resolve the matter impartially and expeditiously. The appeal procedure above is also available to the grievant.
(Res., 6-28-88)