(A) The city has determined that the labor market in which it operates is Madison County, Kentucky. The latest reliable data that shows the utilization of females and minorities by job category is the 1980 general census.
(B) The number of women and minorities employed by the city in each job category was compared with those available in the workforce of the community. The percentage of such employees in the community was multiplied by the total city employees in each job category to determine the number required for fair selection.
(C) The city examined each category in which the number of females and minorities were fewer than the number required for fair selection. Appropriate goals for women and for minorities were established to bring the city's utilization to a level comparable to the community workforce. Timetables were based on the anticipated annual job openings in each category. Where a disparity exists between the percentage of a protected group in the community population and the percentage in the community workforce, the goals are adjusted to overcome this disparity. The goal of fair utilization of minorities and females in each category is to be met within the next five (5) years through the personnel policies established by this plan without discrimination of any kind. The maintenance of this policy will be a continuing effort.
(Res., 6-28-88)