(A) The city clerk shall prepare an agenda for all regular meetings of the city council. The agenda shall be prepared in a form as specified by a majority of the council, and the agenda shall contain all matters which will come before the council, and in the order as listed on the agenda.
(B) The city clerk shall include in the agenda all items which are routinely handled at council meetings; items of city business which have come to his or her personal attention; any items that any council member, or the mayor, may request to be included; and all unfinished business which has appeared on prior agenda.
(C) The agenda shall be prepared and posted at some suitable place in the lobby of the city hall, as well as placed in the drawer of each council member, the mayor, and the city attorney, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time for the meeting to be governed by the agenda.
(D) Only those items of business which are included on the agenda may come before the council for any formal action, with any new matters which are introduced before the meeting, but which have not been included on the agenda, being referred to an appropriate committee, by the mayor, for future action or recommendation.
(E) The only exception to section (D) shall be in the case of business which is of an emergency nature, in which instance, the matter could be formally brought before the council for a determination of any type, only upon the approval of three-fourths of the total council membership.
(Res. of 1-3-72, § 5)