(A)   From and after its adoption by city council and its effective date, this code shall contain all provisions of a general and permanent nature pertaining to the titles and subjects included herein. All prior ordinances or codes pertaining to the titles or subjects contained herein shall be deemed repealed.
   (B)   All standard codes, rules and regulations and other subject matter adopted by ordinance and herein incorporated by reference, together with any amendments as made from time to time, and future incorporations by reference shall be construed to have full force and effect as if set out herein; and a copy of such codes, rules and regulations shall be kept on file in the office of city clerk, unless otherwise indicated.
   (C)   All ordinances of a temporary or special nature and any other ordinances not pertaining to titles and subjects included in this code shall remain in full force and effect unless repealed expressly or by necessary implication.
   (D)   Whenever an ordinance by its nature either authorizes or enables the council, or a certain city officer, employee, or agent to make additional ordinances, rules or regulations for the purposes of carrying out the intent of the ordinance; all ordinances, rules and regulations of a similar nature serving the same purpose, effected prior to the adoption of this code and not inconsistent with this code, shall remain in effect.