698.01 Definitions.
698.02 Penalties for misdemeanor.
698.03 Imposing sentence for misdemeanor.
698.04 Organizational penalties.
698.05 Multiple sentences.
698.06 Modification of sentence. (Repealed)
698.07 Suspension of driver’s license.
See section histories for similar State law
Definition of "imprisoned" - see Ohio R.C. 1.05
Burden and degree of proof - see Ohio R.C. 2901.05
Venue - see Ohio R.C. 2901.12
Procedure on change of venue - see Ohio R.C. 2931.29
Transfer of prisoner on change of venue - see Ohio R.C. 2931.30
Payment of costs and expenses on change of venue - see Ohio R.C. 2931.31
Degree of offense; charge and verdict; prior conviction - see Ohio R.C. 2945.75
Satisfaction of fine; credit for time served - see Ohio R.C. 2947.14
Criteria for probation; conditions for probation - see Ohio R.C. 2951.02
Treatment of drug dependent persons in lieu of conviction - see Ohio R.C. 2951.041
General provisions; administration and enforcement - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 606
Definitions generally - see GEN. OFF. 606.01
Culpable mental states - see GEN. OFF. 606.02
Classification of offenses - see GEN. OFF. 606.03
Offenses defined - see GEN. OFF. 606.04
Rules of construction - see GEN. OFF. 606.05
Criminal law jurisdiction - see GEN. OFF. 606.055
Limitation on prosecutions - see GEN. OFF. 606.06
Requirements for criminal liability - see GEN. OFF. 606.07
Organizational criminal liability - see GEN. OFF. 606.08
Personal accountability for organizational conduct - see GEN. OFF. 606.09
Obstructing justice - see GEN. OFF. 606.15
Sentencing for sexually oriented offenses; sexual predators; registration - see GEN. OFF. 666.99
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Dangerous offender" means a person who has committed an offense, whose history, character and condition reveal a substantial risk that he or she will be a danger to others, and whose conduct has been characterized by a pattern of repetitive, compulsive or aggressive behavior with heedless indifference to the consequences.
(b) "Repeat offender" means a person who has a history of persistent criminal activity and whose character and condition reveal a substantial risk that he or she will commit another offense. It is prima facie evidence that a person is a repeat offender if any of the following applies:
(1) Having been convicted of one or more offenses of violence, as defined in Ohio R.C. 2901.01, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for one or more of those offenses, the person commits a subsequent offense of violence;
(2) Having been convicted of one or more sexually oriented offenses, as defined in Ohio R.C. 2950.01, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for one or more of those offenses, the person commits a subsequent sexually oriented offense;
(3) Having been convicted of one or more theft offenses, as defined in Ohio R.C. 2913.01, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for one or more of those offenses, the person commits a subsequent theft offense;
(4) Having been convicted of one or more felony drug abuse offenses, as defined in Ohio R.C. 2925.01, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for one or more of those offenses, the person commits a subsequent felony drug abuse offense;
(5) Having been convicted of two or more felonies, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for any such offense, the person commits a subsequent offense;
(6) Having been convicted of three or more offenses of any type or degree other than traffic offenses, alcoholic intoxication offenses, or minor misdemeanors, and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for any such offense, the person commits a subsequent offense.
(ORC 2935.36(E)) (Ord. 1996-22. Passed 8-21-96.)