THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day           of                                        2010, by and between                                                                    (Hereinafter referred to as "PROPERTY OWNER") and                                                                   (Hereinafter referred to as "HUNTER").
   WHEREAS, the PROPERTY OWNER wishes to permit the HUNTER to hunt on the below-referenced property in accordance with the rules of the Village of Bentleyville; and
   WHEREAS, said property upon which said hunting shall be permitted is as follows:
      Bentleyville, Oh 44022 / 44139
   B.   Size of lot:              acres
   WHEREAS, the PROPERTY OWNER and HUNTER wish to set forth herein the terms and conditions under which the hunting shall take place.
   NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of $25.00 payable to the Village of Bentleyville, the PROPERTY OWNER and HUNTER agree, as follows:
      (1)   The PROPERTY OWNER hereby grants permission to the HUNTER to hunt the above-referenced PROPERTY OWNER'S land during the State of Ohio Division of Wildlife Archery Season, provided that the terms and conditions set forth herein below are satisfied.
         A.   The HUNTER shall provide proof of completion of an Ohio Division of Wildlife Hunter Safety Course.
         B.   The HUNTER shall provide proof of passing an archery proficiency test.
         C.   The HUNTER shall have a valid hunting license and special permit as required by the State of Ohio Division of Wildlife regulations.
         D.   The HUNTER shall execute this agreement and have in the HUNTER'S possession a copy of this agreement providing permission to hunt the above- referenced land.
      (2)   Additionally, the PROPERTY OWNER and HUNTER agree to the following provisions:
         A.   The HUNTER agrees to hunt from a tree stand, which shall be a minimum of ten feet off the ground.
         B.   The HUNTER agrees to hunt and take two does before one buck is taken.
         C.   The PROPERTY OWNER agrees to serve written notice on all adjacent property owners that the above-reference lands will be hunted at the beginning of the hunting season.
         D.   If an adjacent property owner requests, a flag will be placed at a mutually designated point determined by the property owners and chief of police to signify when hunting is taking place.
         E.   The PROPERTY OWNER shall require that the HUNTER register with the Village of Bentleyville Police Department prior to the hunting season.
         F.   The HUNTER shall remove entrails from the OWNER'S PROPERTY unless the PROPERTY OWNER agrees to burial on OWNER'S PROPERTY. Said disposal must be approved by the Village of Bentleyville.
         G.   The PROPERTY OWNER and HUNTER shall preview the property boundaries.
         H.   The PROPERTY OWNER shall limit the number of HUNTERS to one HUNTER at any one time on his/her property.
         I.   The HUNTER shall notify the Chief of Police or designee in person or by phone and register the amount of deer taken the next normal business day.
         J.   The HUNTER shall notify the Chief of Police or in his absence his designee immediately if a deer is wounded but not killed or retrieved. The HUNTER and police officer may only retrieve the deer after obtaining property owner's approval. If the homeowner is not home, he/she must be accompanied by a Bentleyville Police Officer.
         K.   The HUNTER agrees to hunt only within the Deer Management Zone Designated by the Village of Bentleyville, for which the PROPERTY OWNER'S land is located.
         L.   The HUNTER agrees to park his/her motor vehicle in areas designated by the PROPERTY OWNER and place notification and ID on the windshield of the vehicle while hunting.
         M.   As a responsible HUNTER, the HUNTER agrees to conduct himself/herself in a legal and ethical manner as a guest on the PROPERTY OWNER'S land. The HUNTER agrees to respect the PROPERTY OWNER'S land as if it were his or her own; not to litter; to leave property in the condition as the HUNTER found it.
         N.   The HUNTER shall not hunt within 250 feet of an occupied building or residence/home without the written permission of the Village of Bentleyville, and the affected PROPERTY OWNER or lessee of said PROPERTY and the OWNER of the PROPERTY where hunting is taking place.
            –   Shoot an arrow across a highway, roadway or beyond the approved area.
            –   Shoot an arrow from a motor vehicle.
            –   Hunt for any deer by aid of light or electronic calling device.
            –   Hunt without his/her license in their possession and must show his/her license to any police officer, game official or any person requesting to see it as prescribed by the Division of Wildlife.
            –   Hunt on Sunday.
            –   Trespass on any property adjoining the above-referenced land.
         P.   The HUNTER agrees further:
            –   To assume responsibility for liability for any injury or damage to property or person while a guest on the PROPERTY OWNER'S land during the hunt.
            –   There will be no alcoholic beverages consumed by the HUNTER within eight hours prior to the start of the hunt on the PROPERTY OWNER'S land, or during the hunt.
            –   Transport deer so that it is not visible.
         Q.   The Chief of Police shall have the right to refuse or revoke any hunting permit he deems necessary to insure the safety of the Village.
   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and dates first written above.
   I have read and understand all the above conditions.
PERMIT ISSUED: YES         NO                                                                                     
DATE ISSUED:                                      
                        CITY          STATE     ZIP
                           DATE OF BIRTH
                           SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
               APPROVED BY ORDER OF
               TIMOTHY J. PITTS
               CHIEF OF POLICE
(Ord. 2000-41. Passed 2-21-01; Ord. 2010-16. Passed 8-18-10.)