(a)   Once an application is deemed complete by the Building Inspector, the applicant shall present to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review of the preliminary development plan per Section 1267.11.
   (b)   At the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission shall consider the preliminary development plan. The Commission shall vote to recommend to Council approval or disapproval of the preliminary development plan as submitted or as modified to meet its suggestions.
      (1)   Approval.
         A.   If the vote of the Commission is to recommend approval of the preliminary development plan as submitted or as modified to meet its suggestions, it shall send the preliminary development plan to Council with a written report of its action.
         B.   Council shall, by record vote, approve or disapprove the preliminary development plan by majority vote.
         C.   If Council approves the preliminary development plan, the owner and/or agent of the owner may proceed with the final development plan, which shall include all modifications as suggested by the Commission, Village Council and the Village Engineer.
      (2)   Failure to approve. If the vote of the Commission does not recommend approval of the preliminary development plan, its action is final unless the owner and/or agent of the owner elect to appeal the adverse report to Council per Section 1262.02(b).
(Ord. 2011-65. Passed 5-21-12.)