   (a)   The storm drainage system shall include roadside ditches, culverts and inlets. All storm drainage facilities shall be designed to adequately handle the surface runoff from a design storm of five year intensity for residential development with the tributary area assumed to be fully developed. All storm drainage shall be discharged into natural watercourses or storm sewers, if available. If, under the above design conditions, the roadside ditch will flow at a depth greater than one foot, storm sewers should be installed from that point of discharge.
   (b)   All culverts shall be of reinforced concrete pipe or reinforced concrete rectangular in cross section, and in either case provided with headwalls and/or slope protection sufficient to prevent erosions of the slopes and channel bed.
   (c)   No part of the storm drainage system, which includes footer drains, shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer system.
   (d)   Storm sewer facilities shall comply with the Ohio EPA General Stormwater NPDES Permit and the Village's Storm Water Management Ordinance and Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.
(Ord. 2011-11. Passed 5-18-11.)
   Roadway improvements consisting of the pavement, shoulders, ditches, underdrains, guardrails, grading and seeding shall be constructed in accordance with Drawing Number 2011-01 which is hereby made a part of these regulations.
(Ord. 2011-11. Passed 5-18-11.)
1242.20   MONUMENTS.
   Iron pins set in monument boxes shall be placed on the center line of all streets at points of change of alignment, at street intersections and at the ends of streets. Monuments shall conform to Cuyahoga County Engineer's Standards. Iron pins set in a concrete base six inches in diameter and two feet deep shall be placed at the intersection of all outside boundary lines of the subdivision not previously defined on the ground by other permanent monuments.
(Ord. 2011-11. Passed 5-18-11.)