The owner and/or agent of the owner of the land proposed to be subdivided shall submit nine copies of the preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision to the Building Inspector. The preliminary plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals fifty feet and contain the following information which is subject to the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission:
(a) The proposed name of the subdivision. This name shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the Village, in so far as is practical;
(b) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and/or agent of the owner and the person who prepared the preliminary plan;
(c) A vicinity map showing the proposed subdivision and its location within the Village, in relation to surrounding subdivisions, streets and nearby recreation and community facilities;
(d) The date of the survey, the scale of the proposed preliminary plan and a north arrow;
(e) The boundary outline of the land to be subdivided;
(f) The locations, widths and names of all surrounding streets or streets terminating at such boundaries;
(g) The proposed arrangement of streets and sublots with dimensions;
(h) The location of all existing watercourses, culverts, storm and sanitary sewers, watermains and storm water management facilities;
(i) The location of all wooded areas, flood plains, wetlands, riparian areas and other natural features within and/or adjacent to the proposed subdivision;
(j) A topographical map with contour intervals of not more than two feet, with one-foot contour intervals shown where required to accurately portray the existing topography;
(k) The layout, acreage and names of streets, lots and any non-residential uses, such as recreational uses, within the proposed subdivision;
(l) The location of all proposed utility, water and sewer lines, and all storm water management facilities in the proposed subdivision, and the location of their nearest connection points;
(m) The existing zoning classifications and lot requirements for the proposed subdivision, including minimum lot size, width and depth and the yard and building setback requirements in the zoning district;
(n) Any existing or proposed covenants running with the land, deed restrictions, rights-of-way or easements; and
(o) Such other reasonable information as the Commission and the Village Engineer may require.
(Ord. 2011-11. Passed 5-18-11.)