A-FRAME SIGN: A movable sign placed on the ground and constructed in the shape of an "A" or some variation thereof. Refer to figure 11-2-A, "A-Frame Sign", of this definition.

ACCESSIBILITY RAMP: An inclined structure that allows increased access to a building or structure.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: A structure located on the same lot as a principal structure, and that is subordinate in structure and use to the principal structure.
ACCESSORY USE: A use located on the same zoning lot as a principal use that is subordinate to the principal use.
ADDITION: Construction that increases the size of a building or structure in terms of height, length, depth, width, floor area, or impervious coverage.
ADJACENT: Property or a right-of-way that touches a lot line of the subject property or is separated by a public alley. Properties shall not be considered adjacent to one another if a street separates the properties.
ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT: Authorization granted by the Zoning Administrator to allow development that deviates from the specific regulations of this title within a narrowly defined set of circumstances.
ADULT CABARET: An establishment that features any of the following: people who appear nude or seminude; live performances that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure, depiction, or description of "specified anatomical areas" or the conduct or simulation of "specified sexual activities"; or films, motion pictures, videos, slides, computer displays, or other visual representations or recordings that emphasize "specified anatomical areas" or "specified sexual activities".
ADULT STORE: An establishment having a substantial or significant portion of its sales or stock in trade devoted to books, magazines, periodicals, other printed matter, instruments, novelties, devices, paraphernalia, films, motion pictures, videos, digital materials, or other visual representations that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas". This shall include any establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such materials, or an establishment that publicly claims itself as a purveyor of such materials based upon its signage, advertising, displays, actual sales, presence of booths, or any other factors showing the establishment's primary purpose is to purvey such material.
ADULT THEATER: An establishment that, as a substantial or significant portion of its business, presents films, motion pictures, videos, digital materials, or other visual representations that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas".
ADULT USE: "Adult use" shall include "adult cabarets", "adult stores", "adult theaters", and other similar uses.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS CRAFT GROWER: A facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to cultivate, dry, cure and package cannabis and perform other necessary activities to make cannabis available for sale at a dispensing organization or use at a processing organization, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to- time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS CULTIVATION CENTER: A facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to cultivate, process, transport and perform necessary activities to provide cannabis and cannabis-infused products to licensed cannabis business establishments, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to-time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS DISPENSING ORGANIZATION: A facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to acquire cannabis from licensed cannabis business establishments for the purpose of selling or dispensing cannabis, cannabis-infused products, cannabis seeds, paraphernalia or related supplies to purchasers or to qualified registered medical cannabis patients and caregivers, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to-time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS INFUSER ORGANIZATION OR INFUSER: A facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to directly incorporate cannabis or cannabis concentrate into a product formulation to produce a cannabis-infused product, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to-time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS PROCESSING ORGANIZATION OR PROCESSOR: A facility operated by an organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to either extract constituent chemicals or compounds to produce cannabis concentrate or incorporate cannabis or cannabis concentrate into a product formulation to produce a cannabis product, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to-time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS TRANSPORTING ORGANIZATION OR TRANSPORTER: An organization or business that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to transport cannabis on behalf of a cannabis business establishment or a community college licensed under the Community College Cannabis Vocational Training Pilot Program, per the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, (P.A. 101-0027), as it may be amended from time-to-time, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
ALLEY: A narrow public or private right-of-way that provides a means of access to adjacent properties typically located at the side or rear of a lot.
ALTERATION: A change in the supporting members of a building or structure, such as bearing walls, partitions, columns, beams, or girders, or a substantial change to the roof or exterior walls.
ANIMAL BOARDING, HOSPITAL, OR SHELTER: An establishment where pet animals are temporarily boarded, treated for illness or injury, and/or temporarily cared for while permanent homes are found for them.
ANTENNA: A linear antenna designed to send and/or receive television, radio, communication, data, or other similar signals from other antennas.
ANTIQUE VEHICLE: A motor vehicle registered and licensed as an antique vehicle with the State of Illinois.
APIARY: An enclosure used to house bees.
ARBOR: A freestanding structure that serves to support climbing plants, often used to define an access point to a garden.
ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY: A residential facility that provides daily assistance and long-term residence for three (3) or more disabled and/or elderly individuals, but does not provide regular in-patient medical or nursing care. Such facilities provide a combination of housing, supportive services, personalized assistance, and health care designed to respond to the individuals who need help with common daily activities, such as dressing, grooming, and bathing. An "assisted living facility" does not include "community residence", "independent living facility", or "nursing home".
ATTENTION GETTING DEVICE: A sign that directs attention to a business, product, or service using streamers, spinners, propellers, paddle wheels, or other ornamentation designed to move in the wind. "Attention getting devices" do not include "banner flag signs" or "inflatable devices".
AWNING: A roof-like cover, often constructed of flexible fabric and/or metal, which projects from the wall of a structure over a window, sidewalk, or door and is designed for protection from the weather or as a decorative element.
AWNING SIGN: A sign that is displayed on an awning.
BALCONY: A platform that projects from the exterior wall of a building, which is exposed to the open air, has direct access to the interior of the building, and is not supported by columns extending to the ground.
BALL COURT: A paved area used to play sports and/or games.
BANNER FLAG SIGN: A sign typically made of lightweight fabric or other flexible material that is mounted to a pole and designed to move in the wind. "Banner flag signs" do not include "attention getting devices". Refer to figure 11-2-B, "Banner Flag Sign", of this definition.

BANNER SIGN: A sign typically made of lightweight fabric or other flexible material with or without a frame. "Banner signs" do not include "attention getting devices".
BANQUET HALL: An establishment that provides accommodations for private functions, such as weddings, anniversaries, or other similar celebrations. Such use may include facilities for the preparation of food, sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, and outdoor reception facilities.
BAR/TAVERN: An establishment that sells alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, and may serve food for consumption on the premises in a manner that is incidental to the sale of alcoholic beverages.
BASEMENT: A portion of a building located partly underground that has no more than one-half (1/2) of its height above grade.
BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE (BEV): Vehicle that only uses energy stored in rechargeable battery packs onboard the vehicle to propel the vehicle. BEV’s must be plugged into an external electricity source in order to recharge.
BAY WINDOW: A window built to project outward from an exterior wall, often with a flat front and angled sides.
BENCH SIGN: A sign located on a bench, seat, or similar structure which directs attention to a business, product, or service.
BICYCLE PARKING SIGN: A sign indicating the location of bicycle parking facilities.
BICYCLE PARKING SPACE: An area used to park a bicycle that may or may not be located on a right-of-way.
BIORETENTION: The process of utilizing a shallow vegetated basin to collect and absorb stormwater runoff as part of systems such as bioretention cells, bioretention curb extensions, and bioretention planters.
BLOCK: Land bounded on all sides by street rights-of-way, utility rights-of-way, and/or physical barriers such as bodies of water or public open spaces.
BLUE ROOF: A roof that is designed to store and discharge rainfall.
BODY ART ESTABLISHMENT: An establishment that provides physical body adornment, alteration or modification that may include, but shall not be limited to, tattooing, piercing, branding, braiding, implantation, or scarification.
BOLLARD: Any of a series of short posts set at intervals to delimit an area or to exclude vehicles.
BUFFER YARD: A yard or landscape component used to separate uses or structures, provide a visual barrier, diminish light trespass, or for other similar purposes.
BUILDING: A structure with substantial walls and a substantial roof that is securely affixed to land and separated on all sides from similar structures by space or by walls that do not have communicating doors, windows, or similar openings.
BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance measured from the mean average elevation of finished grade within twenty feet (20') of the front building line to the mean point between the eaves and the ridge for a building with a hip, gable, or gambrel roof; to the highest point of a flat roof; and to the deck line for a building with a mansard roof. Regardless of roof type, the following projections shall not be included when determining building height: chimneys, towers, spires, steeples, parapet walls, staircase enclosures, elevator enclosures, tanks, cooling towers, green roofs, blue roofs, mechanical equipment, and similar projections. See figure 10-11-2-1, "Building Height And Roof Types", of this definition.
FIGURE 10-11-2-1

BUILDING LINE: A line measured at the building wall of a structure that is parallel or nearly parallel to a lot line. For the purposes of establishing a building line, the building wall does not include permitted encroachments of architectural features, such as bay windows, eaves, stairs, and stoops.
CANOPY: A rigid roof-like cover, often constructed of metal and/or glass, which projects from the wall of a structure over a window, sidewalk, or door and is designed for protection from the weather or as a decorative element. A canopy may include ground- mounted support posts.
CANOPY-MOUNTED SIGN: A sign that is mounted on top of a canopy.
CAR-SHARE PARKING: A parking space designated for the exclusive use of members of a car share organization.
CAR WASH: An establishment engaged in the cleaning or detailing of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, and/or other similar vehicles whether automatic or by hand.
CEMETERY: Land used for the burial of the dead, which may include offices, structures for performing religious ceremonies related to the entombment of the deceased, and related accessory structures for the storage of maintenance equipment.
CHICKEN COOP: An enclosure used to house chickens.
CHIMNEY: A vertical structure used to remove smoke and combustion gases from a building that is often of masonry construction.
CLUB, LODGE, OR HALL: A meeting, recreational, or social facility established for the use of the members and guests of a non-profit or private organization.
COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY: A facility for post-secondary higher learning that grants associate or bachelor degrees. The institution may also have research facilities and/or professional schools that grant master and doctoral degrees. "College or university" includes ancillary uses such as dormitories, cafeterias, restaurants, retail sales, indoor or outdoor recreational facilities, and similar uses.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE: A motor vehicle operated for the transportation of people or material as part of a commercial enterprise.
COMMUNITY GARDEN: Land that is collectively cultivated and maintained by a group of people.
COMMUNITY RESIDENCE: A group residence consisting of a group home or specialized residential care home serving people with disabilities that is licensed, certified, or accredited by the appropriate State or Federal agencies. Such residence shall serve as a single housekeeping unit for the housing of unrelated people with functional disabilities who share responsibilities, meals, social activities, and other aspects of residential living. "Community residence" does not include "assisted living facility", "independent living facility", "nursing home", or "residential care facility" and does not include a residence that serves as an alternative to incarceration for a criminal offense.
COMPOST BIN: A container used to store and break down organic matter to produce material that facilitates fertilizing and conditioning soil.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The comprehensive plan of the Village of Bensenville.
CONFORMING STRUCTURE: A structure that complies with the bulk and setback regulations of this title for the zoning district in which such structure is located.
CONFORMING USE: A use that complies with the use regulations of this title for the zoning district in which such use is located.
CONTRACTOR TRAILER: A portable building or structure that may include office space and/or facilities for equipment storage for a construction project.
CORNER LOT: A parcel of land located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets that has more than one street frontage, or a lot located at the bend of one street that has an interior angle no greater than one hundred thirty five degrees (135°). See figure 10-11-2-2, "Lot Types", of this definition.
FIGURE 10-11-2-2

CORNER SIDE FACADE: Any facade that faces and is most closely parallel to the corner side lot line.
CORNER SIDE LOT LINE: The boundary of a lot that is approximately perpendicular to the front and rear lot lines, which separates the longest street right-of-way frontage of a corner lot from the street right-of-way. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this definition.
FIGURE 10-11-2-3

CORNER SIDE YARD: The area on a lot extending from the corner side facade of a building to the corner side lot line between the front yard and the rear lot line. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
CORNICE: A projecting horizontal architectural feature, often located on the wall of a building or structure below the roofline.
CROSS SLOPE: The incline of a path perpendicular to the direction of travel.
CULTURAL FACILITY: A use that provides cultural services including, but not limited to, museums, cultural centers, historical societies, and libraries.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE: An establishment engaged in providing services to cash checks, issue money orders, and prepare cashier's checks for a fee. "Currency exchange" does not include "financial institution" or "payday or title loan establishment".
DAY CARE CENTER: An establishment providing care for more than three (3) adults or children in a protective setting for less than twenty four (24) hours per day that is not located within a residential dwelling unit. "Day care center" does not include day care programs operated by an "elementary, middle, or high school", "park", or "place of worship".
DAY CARE HOME: A facility within a residential dwelling unit that provides care for adults or children, including the family's natural or adopted children, in a protective setting for less than twenty four (24) hours per day.
DAY LABOR CENTER: An indoor establishment where assignments for occasional or irregular employment are made, characterized by the daily gathering of workers generally seeking low-skilled manual labor. "Day labor center" does not include "professional office".
DECK: A roofless outdoor platform often constructed of wood or composite wood that is elevated from the ground and connects to the exterior wall of a building.
DEVELOPMENT: Any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to construction of, or substantial improvements to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, or drilling operations.
DIRECT CURRENT FAST CHARGING (DCFC) (LEVEL 3): EV battery charging that uses DC power to refuel Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) at various amperage levels and voltage levels, most commonly 480 VAC, with power outputs ranging between 25 and 175 kW of power and provides 50 to 500 range miles per hour connected. DCFCs convert Alternating Current (AC) from facility power and output Direct Current (DC) and Volts Direct Current (VDC), which then delivers DC power to the BEV through a standard connector. DCFCs are sometimes referred to as Level 3 EV Chargers.
DOG RUN: An enclosed area located within a yard that provides space for a dog to exercise.
DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY: A facility used to provide products or services through a window, attendant, or automated machine to people in motor vehicles. A "drive-through facility" may be established in combination with other uses, such as a "financial institution", "personal services establishment", "restaurant", or "retail goods establishment". A "drive-through facility" shall not be considered to be established in combination with a "car wash", "gas station", or "motor vehicle repair and/or service".
DRIVE-THROUGH SIGN: A sign that displays items for sale or service at an establishment with "drive-through facilities".
DRIVEWAY: An unobstructed area that provides access to a parking or loading space.
DRIVEWAY ACCESS SIGN: A sign that guides the circulation of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians through a site, such as signs indicating parking lot entrances and exits, loading zones, and restrooms.
DRIVEWAY APRON: The portion of a driveway that passes through the sidewalk, parkway, and curb into the adjacent street.
DRIVEWAY PARKING PAD: A portion of a driveway used to park a motor vehicle that is generally wider than the portion of the driveway used to access the lot.
DWELLING ABOVE THE GROUND FLOOR: A dwelling unit located on the upper floor of a building that contains non-residential uses on its ground floor.
DWELLING UNIT: A structure, or portion thereof, designed for residential purposes as a single housekeeping unit that provides independent living facilities for one or more people, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. "Dwelling unit" does not include "hotel/motel", "model unit", "recreational vehicle", mobile home, trailer, tent, or portable building.
EASEMENT: Land that has been designated by lawful agreement between the owner of the land and another person for a specified use by such person.
EAVE: The projecting lower edge of a roof that overhangs the wall of a building.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE (EVCI): “Make ready” electrical equipment including panels with circuit breakers, switchboards, transformers, conduit, wiring, junction boxes, conduit hangers and other interconnections necessary to deliver electrical power from a facility to an EVSE.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION (EVCS): Equipment designed to safety supply and manage power into Plugin EVs. EV Charging Stations include hard-wired EV Charging Stations and EV Charging Stations that plug in to standard wall outlets and may also integrate communication, metering, GPS and other features that assist EV drivers and the host facility.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE POWER TRANSFER SYSTEM (EVPTS): Electric power supply and management technology that 1) provides and manages power transferred from a power source to EVSEs, including power transformers, switchboards, panels, circuit breakers and interconnecting conduit and wiring (EVCI), 2) plus the EVSE(s).
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE): The conductors and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
ELECTRIC VEHICLES (EVs): Vehicles that store electric energy to be used for propulsion.
ELECTRICAL GENERATOR: A device that generates electrical power.
ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATION: A location used to supply energy to electric vehicles.
ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN: A sign that displays a changeable message with text, or simple images using an electronic display. "Electronic message signs" shall not include "video display signs".
ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, OR HIGH SCHOOL: A public or private educational facility offering instruction to preschool, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, and/or high school students with a full range of curricular programs.
ENCROACHMENT: The location of a structure within a required setback.
ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Criteria established to regulate noise, odor, dust, air pollution, glare, heat, vibration, fire, explosion hazards, or hazardous materials generated by the use of land or buildings.
EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: A sign that is lit by a source of light located outside the sign so that light shines onto the sign face.
FACADE: The exterior face of a building, including, but not limited to, the wall, windows, windowsills, doorways, and design elements.
FARMERS' MARKET: An outdoor market located in a designated area for the sale of agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, juices, flowers, plants, herbs, spices, dairy goods, and meats, by the vendors who typically produce such items. "Farmers' markets" typically offer for sale items such as baked goods, arts and crafts, and other value-added goods.
FENCE: A barrier typically constructed of treated wood, simulated wood, PVC, steel, or a combination of materials, that is erected to separate, screen, or enclose an area that may have one or more gates.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: A bank, credit union, or savings and loan office, or an automated teller machine established by such an entity. "Financial institution" does not include "currency exchange" or "payday or title loan establishment".
FIRE ESCAPE: A structure located on the exterior wall of a building that is used to escape in case of a fire or other emergency.
FLAG: A sign made of flexible material which is mounted on a pole and symbolizes any governmental, political, civic, educational, religious, or corporate organization.
FLAG LOT: A lot where the vast majority of the lot can only be accessed from the right-of-way by means of a narrow strip of land between adjacent lots. See figure 10-11-2-2, "Lot Types", of this section.
FLAGPOLE: A ground-mounted or building-mounted structure used to display a flag.
FLASHING SIGN: A sign which contains an intermittent or sequential light source that may flash, blink, strobe, travel, chase, rotate, or change in intensity, brightness, or color. "Flashing signs" do not include "electronic message signs", or "video display signs".
FLAT ROOF: A flat roof structure with no visible slope, which is located on all street-facing facades and may or may not have overhanging eaves. See figure 10-11-2-1, "Building Height And Roof Types", of this section.
FOOT-CANDLE: A measure of the illuminance cast upon a surface that is one foot (1') from a uniform light source of one candela, and which is equal to one lumen per square foot.
FRONT FACADE: Any facade that faces and is most closely parallel to the front lot line.
FRONT LOT LINE: The boundary of a lot that is adjacent to a street right-of-way. For corner lots, the front lot line shall be the shortest street frontage of the lot. For irregular lots, the front lot line shall be the entire length of the lot line that is adjacent to a street right-of-way. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
FRONT YARD: The area on a lot extending from the front facade of a building to the front lot line between the side lot lines. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
FULLY SHIELDED LIGHTING: A fixture that prevents light from being emitted above a horizontal plane running from the lowest point of the fixture that emits light.
FUNERAL HOME: An establishment where services are conducted for the deceased, including facilities to prepare the deceased for display, burial, and/or cremation.
GARAGE: A building, either attached or detached, which is used or designed for the parking and storage of motor vehicles, and the storage of various equipment.
GARAGE OR YARD SALE: The sale of a variety of used household items, which is typically held in the garage or front yard of a residential dwelling unit.
GARDEN: An area dedicated to the cultivation of plants.
GARDEN CENTER: An establishment that sells plants grown or stored on site.
GAS STATION: An establishment where motor vehicle fuel, including non-petroleum fuel, is stored and dispensed from fixed equipment into motor vehicles. A "gas station" may also include accessory activities such as restaurants, car washes, and convenience retail stores. "Gas station" does not include "motor vehicle repair and/or service" or "truck stop".
GAZEBO: A freestanding open-sided structure, often hexagonal or octagonal in shape, that provides shade and shelter in outdoor areas.
GOLF COURSE OR DRIVING RANGE: A tract of land designed with at least nine (9) holes for playing a game of golf and improved with tees, greens, fairways, and hazards. A golf course may include a clubhouse, restrooms, and related accessory structures for the storage of maintenance equipment. A driving range may be designed as a standalone facility or included as part of a larger golf course.
GOVERNMENT FACILITY: A building or structure owned, operated, and/or occupied by a governmental agency to provide services to the public. "Government facility" includes public safety facilities, public works facilities, Post Offices, and administrative offices, but does not include "park", "elementary, middle, or high school".
GOVERNMENT SIGN: A sign, such as a traffic control sign, public safety sign, emergency sign, or public notice, that is required by applicable Federal, State, County, or local regulations.
GRADE: For structures five feet (5') or more from the front lot line, the average level of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior wall of the building. For structures less than five feet (5') from the front lot line, the average level of the finished surface of the ground at the center of the front lot line.
GREEN ROOF: A roof that is partially or completely covered with vegetation, a growing medium, and a waterproof membrane, that absorbs rainwater and reduces the heat absorbed by a building or structure.
GREENHOUSE: A building for the cultivation and protection of plants, which is typically constructed of transparent glass, metal, and/or plastic.
GROSS FLOOR AREA: The total horizontal area of the floors of a building as measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls, or from the centerline of a party wall to the exterior face of the exterior walls.
GUN RANGE: An establishment designed for discharging firearms to practice marksmanship.
GUN SALES ESTABLISHMENT: A commercial enterprise specifically engaged in the sale of guns and firearms.
GUTTER: A structure located at the eave of a roof to convey stormwater.
HALF STORY: The portion of a building located under a pitched roof.
HANGING SIGN: A sign suspended from an architectural feature of a building, such as an awning, canopy, or marquee, which is typically oriented perpendicular to the facade of the building.
HEADSTONE: A non-commercial sign in the form of a tombstone, tablet, grave marker, statuary, or memorial, that offers a remembrance of people or events.
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL: A use engaged in manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, packaging, storage, handling, or other industrial processing of products from unprocessed or raw materials, which may include the use of highly flammable material, or toxic matter. "Heavy industrial" uses may be engaged in processes that are likely to have a substantial impact on the environment or on adjacent properties. Typical "heavy industrial" uses include, but shall not be limited to, chemical processing, grain milling, metal casting, metal smelting, motor vehicle assembly, motor vehicle wrecking, petroleum refining, rendering, tire assembly, and asphalt, brick, concrete, or tile manufacturing.
HISTORICAL MARKER: A sign displaying information of historic significance such as a building's name, date of erection, or location.
HOME-BASED BUSINESS: An occupation carried on in a dwelling unit by a resident, which is accessory to the residential use of the dwelling unit.
HOOPHOUSE: A structure used to extend the growing season of agricultural crops that is generally semicircular in shape.
HOSPITAL: An institution that provides healthcare and medical services for the sick and injured, which may include, but shall not be limited to, in-patient facilities, out-patient facilities, training facilities, offices, and laboratories.
HOTEL/MOTEL: An establishment that provides sleeping accommodations and lodging services on a short-term basis for a fee and amenities which may include, but shall not be limited to, restaurants, meeting rooms, health clubs, and swimming pools.
ILLEGAL STRUCTURE: A structure that did not legally exist prior to the adoption of this title and does not conform with the current ordinance requirements for the district in which it is located.
ILLEGAL USE: An activity or facility that does not enjoy a legal conforming or legal nonconforming status, as defined in this section.
IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE: The proportion of the area of a zoning lot occupied by surfaces that do not allow stormwater infiltration to the lot area of the zoning lot. Surfaces that do not allow stormwater infiltration may include, but shall not be limited to, principal structures, accessory structures, walkways, paved parking lots, and paved driveways.
INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY: A residential facility that contains dwelling units where at least one of the residents occupying a unit is fifty five (55) years or older. Such facilities do not provide regular in-patient medical or nursing care but may provide common areas for meals or socializing and limited convenience services. An "independent living facility" does not include "assisted living facility", "community residence", or "nursing home".
INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: An enclosed building where spectator uses are conducted by a for-profit entity that typically charges patrons a fee to enter. Typical "indoor entertainment" uses include, but shall not be limited to, indoor theaters, indoor music venues, and indoor sports arenas. "Indoor entertainment" uses may include refreshment stands that provide products for consumption on the premises. "Indoor entertainment" does not include "adult use" or "indoor recreation".
INDOOR RECREATION: An enclosed building where recreational activities are conducted by a for-profit entity that typically charges patrons a fee to enter. Typical "indoor recreation" uses may include, but shall not be limited to, health clubs, bowling alleys, pool halls, children's play facilities, sporting or training facilities, arcades, indoor miniature golf courses, indoor swimming pools, indoor tennis courts, and indoor skating facilities. "Indoor recreation" uses may include refreshment stands that provide products for consumption on the premises. "Indoor recreation" does not include "gun range", "indoor entertainment", "park", "elementary, middle, or high school".
INFLATABLE DEVICE: An advertising display that consists of flexible fabric or similar material that can be filled with air or gas and that may or may not be tethered to a specific location, and may move using a fan. "Inflatable devices" do not include "attention getting devices".
INTERIOR LOT: A parcel of land that has street frontage along at least one lot line and is flanked by lots along its side lot lines. See figure 10-11-2-2, "Lot Types", of this section.
INTERIOR SIDE FACADE: Any facade that faces and is most closely parallel to the interior side lot line.
INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE: The boundary of a lot that is approximately perpendicular to the front and rear lot lines and is not adjacent to the street right-of-way. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
INTERIOR SIDE YARD: The area on a lot extending from the interior side facade of a building to the interior side lot line between the front yard and the rear yard. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: A sign that is lit by a source of light located inside the sign so that light shines outward from within the sign.
IRREGULAR LOT: A lot whose opposing lot lines are generally not parallel, such as a pie-shaped lot, or where one or more lot lines are curvilinear.
LAND-BANKED PARKING: A landscaped area that is reserved for future development as parking facilities.
LAUNDROMAT: An establishment that provides washing, drying, and/or ironing machines for use by customers on the premises.
LEVEL 1 EV CHARGING - LEVEL 1 EV CHARGING: EV battery charging that uses 110 to 120 VAC supply power, with a power range from 880 Watts (0.88 kilowatts, kW to 1,920 kW (1.92 kW) and provides 3 to 6 range miles per hour connected. Level 1 EV chargers are supplied with Alternating Current (AC) and in turn provide AC power to the EV through a standard connector.
LEVEL 2 EV CHARGING - LEVEL 2 EV CHARGING: EV battery charging that uses 208 to 240 VAC supply power, with a range from 3.3 kW to 19.2 kW, and provides 16 to 80 range miles per hour connected. Level 2 EV chargers are supplied with Alternating Current (AC) and in turn provide AC power to the EV through a standard connector.
LIGHT INDUSTRIAL: A use engaged in manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, packaging, storage, handling, or other industrial processing of products primarily from prepared materials or finished products, which does not include the use of highly flammable material, or toxic matter. "Light industrial" uses may be engaged in processes that have a minimal impact on the environment and adjacent properties.
LIVE/WORK DWELLING: A dwelling unit consisting of both residential and commercial components.
LOADING SPACE: An unobstructed area provided and maintained for the temporary parking of motor vehicles in order to load and unload materials.
LONG-TERM BICYCLE PARKING: Bicycle parking intended for long-term or overnight storage, typically provided for employees, residents, or others requiring storage of a bicycle for a substantial portion of the day.
LOT: A parcel or tract of land intended to be separately owned, developed, or otherwise used.
LOT AREA: The area of a zoning lot contained within its lot lines.
LOT DEPTH: The mean distance between the front and rear lot lines of a lot. See figure 10-11-2-4, "Lot Depth", of this definition.
FIGURE 10-11-2-4

LOT LINE: The boundary line of any lot.
LOT OF RECORD: A legally created lot established by plat, deed, or contract, as recorded by the Cook or DuPage County Recorder of Deeds.
LOT WIDTH: For zoning lots with a straight front lot line, the distance between the side lot lines measured at the applicable minimum front setback or maximum front setback. For zoning lots with a curved front lot line, the distance between the side lot lines along a line that is tangent to the minimum front setback or maximum front setback. See figure 10-11-2-5, "Lot Width", of this definition.
FIGURE 10-11-2-5

MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTAL: Establishments primarily engaged in the sale or rental of tools, trucks, tractors, construction equipment, and similar industrial equipment. "Machinery and equipment sales and rental" includes the incidental storage, maintenance, and servicing of such equipment.
MANUALLY CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN: A sign designed to allow modifications of messages, letters, characters, illustrations, or other symbols by hand. "Manually changeable copy signs" shall not include "electronic message signs".
MARQUEE SIGN: A sign with two (2) or three (3) sign faces that is mounted to a permanent roof-like structure extending from the facade of a building.
MASSAGE THERAPY ESTABLISHMENT: An establishment that provides services for the manipulation of tissues for relaxation or therapeutic purposes. "Massage therapy establishment" does not include "adult use".
MAXIMUM CORNER SIDE SETBACK: The maximum distance that a building or structure shall be located from a corner side lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MAXIMUM FRONT SETBACK: The maximum distance that a building or structure shall be located from a front lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Ground-mounted and roof-mounted equipment such as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) units.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA CULTIVATION CENTER: An establishment licensed, certified, or accredited by the appropriate State agencies to perform necessary activities in order to provide only registered medical cannabis dispensing organizations with usable medical cannabis.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY: An establishment licensed, certified, or accredited by the appropriate State agencies to acquire medical cannabis from a registered "medical marijuana cultivation center" for the purpose of dispensing cannabis, paraphernalia, or related supplies and educational materials to registered qualifying patients.
MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL: A use engaged in manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, packaging, storage, handling, or other industrial processing of products from both unprocessed and prepared materials, which does not include the use of highly flammable material, or toxic matter. "Medium industrial" uses may be engaged in processes that are likely to have a moderate impact on the environment or on adjacent properties. Typical "medium industrial" uses include, but shall not be limited to, bottling, food processing, machine shops, or freight handling.
MICROBREWERY OR MICRODISTILLERY: A facility for the production and packaging of malt beverages of alcoholic content with a capacity of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) barrels per year, or a facility for the production and packaging of spirits and liquors with a capacity of less than twelve thousand (12,000) gallons per year. Microbreweries or microdistilleries include a tasting room, which allows customers to consume products manufactured on site, and/or a retail space for purchase of products manufactured on site and related items. Breweries that exceed a capacity of fifteen thousand (15,000) barrels per year, distilleries that exceed a capacity of twelve thousand (12,000) gallons a year, or facilities that only manufacture for distribution are considered "light industrial".
MINIMUM CORNER SIDE SETBACK: The minimum distance that a building or structure shall be located from a corner side lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK: The minimum distance that a building or structure shall be located from a front lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MINIMUM INTERIOR SIDE SETBACK: The minimum distance that a building or structure shall be located from an interior side lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MINIMUM REAR SETBACK: The minimum distance that a building or structure shall be located from a rear lot line, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MINIMUM SETBACK ABUTTING A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: The minimum distance that a building or structure shall be located from any lot line shared with a lot located in a Residential District, as required by the zoning district regulations.
MINIMUM STREET FRONTAGE: The minimum proportion of a principal building required to be located adjacent to a right-of-way expressed as a percentage of the total length of the lot line adjacent to the right-of-way.
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SIGN: A sign which displays information such as hours of operation, credit cards accepted, open/closed signs, and push/pull signs, and appears on or adjacent to entry doors or in display windows. Miscellaneous information shall include information located on vending machines, automated teller machines, and gasoline pumps.
MOBILE FOOD FACILITY: A motorized vehicle or mobile food unit, such as a pushcart, that is used to sell food items.
MODEL UNIT: A building or structure displayed as an example of the dwelling units available for sale or for rent in a residential development. A "model unit" may include sales or rental offices. "Model unit" does not include "dwelling unit".
MONUMENT SIGN: A sign mounted to a freestanding base with a width equal to or greater than the width of the sign. A monument sign does not include freestanding poles and is not attached to a building.
MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATIONS FACILITY: A facility for the dispatch, storage, and maintenance of emergency medical vehicles, taxis, school buses, and livery vehicles. "Motor vehicle operations facility" does not include "motor vehicle rental", "motor vehicle repair and/or service", "motor vehicle sales", or "government facilities" to dispatch, store, and maintain fire, police, public works, and other Municipal vehicles.
MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL: An establishment that rents motor vehicles, including incidental facilities for parking and servicing such vehicles. "Motor vehicle rental" does not include "motor vehicle operations facility".
MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR AND/OR SERVICE: An establishment that provides services to adjust, align, repair, repaint, and/or replace motor vehicle parts and systems. "Motor vehicle repair and/or service" includes facilities that sell motor vehicle parts and supplies in an incidental manner to the establishment's repair facilities. "Motor vehicle repair and/or service" does not include "gas station", "motor vehicle rental", "motor vehicle sales", or "truck repair".
MOTOR VEHICLE SALES: An establishment that sells or leases new or used motor vehicles, including incidental facilities for parking and servicing such vehicles.
MOTOR VEHICLE SALES (OFFICE ONLY): An establishment that sells or leases new or used motor vehicles, which does not include incidental facilities for parking and servicing such vehicles.
MOVING SIGN: A sign that moves or gives the appearance of movement, including any sign that revolves, rotates, or in any way alters position by natural or artificial means. "Moving signs" do not include barber poles, "electronic message signs", "flags", "inflatable devices", "pennant signs", signs displaying time and temperature, street clocks, and similar such signs.
MULTIPLE-UNIT DWELLING: A building that contains three (3) or more dwelling units where each unit has an individual entrance to a common stairway, hallway, or to the outdoors. "Multiple-unit dwelling" does not include "townhouse dwelling" or "two-unit dwelling".
NIT: A unit of luminous intensity equal to one candela per square meter.
NONCONFORMING LOT: A lot of record that at one time conformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conforms due to subsequent amendments to this title.
NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: A principal or accessory structure that at one time conformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conforms due to subsequent amendments to this title. "Nonconforming structure" shall also include nonconforming signs, on-site development, off-street parking and loading facilities, and landscape characteristics.
NONCONFORMING USE: A use of land or a structure that at one time conformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conforms due to subsequent amendments to this title.
NURSING HOME: A residential facility that provides ongoing medical care and inpatient services for people requiring regular medical attention. Such facilities do not provide emergency medical services, surgical services, or treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental illness. A "nursing home" does not include "assisted living facility", "community residence", or "independent living facility".
OBSCENE SIGN: A sign that displays content in which the dominant theme of the material depicts prurient representations of sexual matters that affront contemporary community standards and do not possess redeeming social value.
OFF-PREMISES PARKING FACILITY: A parking facility that is not located on the same premises as the use which it serves.
OFF-PREMISES SIGN: A sign that directs attention to a business, product, service, or other commercial activity that is conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises where such sign is located.
OFF-STREET LOADING FACILITY: An area not located within a right- of-way that is provided and maintained for the temporary parking of motor vehicles in order to load and unload materials for commercial, civic, institutional, industrial, and multiple-unit dwelling uses.
OFF-STREET PARKING: An area not located within a right-of-way that is used to park a motor vehicle.
ON-STREET PARKING: An area located within a right-of-way that is used to park a motor vehicle.
OUTDOOR DINING: An outdoor seating area that is typically connected to an indoor seating area for a "restaurant" or "bar/tavern".
OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: An open air or partially enclosed structure in which spectator uses are conducted by a for-profit entity that typically charges patrons a fee to enter. Typical "outdoor entertainment" uses include, but shall not be limited to, outdoor theaters, outdoor music venues, outdoor sports arenas, and amusement parks. "Outdoor entertainment" uses may include refreshment stands that provide products for consumption on the premises. "Outdoor entertainment" does not include "outdoor recreation".
OUTDOOR FIRE PIT: An outdoor fireplace that is open in design, or equipped with openings for a hearth and chimney and is generally constructed of steel, concrete, clay, or other noncombustible material.
OUTDOOR RECREATION: An open air or partially enclosed structure in which recreational activities are conducted by a for-profit entity that typically charges patrons a fee to enter. Typical "outdoor recreation" uses may include, but shall not be limited to, outdoor miniature golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, outdoor tennis courts, and outdoor skating facilities. "Outdoor recreation" uses may include refreshment stands that provide products for consumption on the premises. "Outdoor recreation" does not include "outdoor entertainment", "park", "elementary, middle, or high school".
OUTDOOR SALES AND DISPLAY: The sales and display of products and services outside of a building or structure.
OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA: An area for the storage of materials, equipment, machinery, or motor vehicles used in the conduct of a business.
OWNER: The legal or beneficial title-holder of land, or the holder of a written option to contract or purchase the land.
PARAPET ROOF: A low wall that projects above a roof along the perimeter of a building. See figure 10-11-2-1, "Building Height And Roof Types", of this section.
PARK: An area for active recreation, passive recreation, and/or resource protection that is open to the public. "Park" may include, but shall not be limited to, baseball fields, football fields, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, playgrounds, water parks, and field houses. "Park" does not include "indoor recreation" or "outdoor recreation".
PARKING GARAGE (Primary Use): A structure with two (2) or more levels that is used to park motor vehicles.
PARKING LOT (Primary Use): A paved area not located within a right-of-way that is used to park motor vehicles and is not ancillary to any other use on the same lot.
PARKING LOT PERIMETER LANDSCAPE: A planted area located between the boundary of a parking lot and a right-of-way.
PARKING LOT SIGN: A sign regulating a parking lot, with a message such as "No Parking" or "Tow Zone", that is oriented to an off- street parking area.
PATIO: A roofless hard surfaced area typically constructed of masonry, brick, or concrete that is attached to the ground adjacent to the wall of a building.
PAVED PARKING AREA: A motor vehicle parking area located adjacent to the entrance to a garage.
PAWN SHOP: An establishment licensed, certified, or accredited by the appropriate local and State agencies that lends money in exchange for personal property that is used as collateral. "Pawn shops" may purchase personal property outright or on the condition of selling it back to a customer with interest. "Pawn shops" may include cash for gold establishments, which have the primary business of purchasing precious metals, jewelry, watches, and other similar items. "Pawn shop" does not include "retail goods establishments" such as antique stores and consignment stores.
PAYDAY OR TITLE LOAN ESTABLISHMENT: An establishment that provides loans to individuals in exchange for personal checks or titles to motor vehicles. "Payday or title loan establishment" does not include "currency exchange" or "financial institution".
PENNANT SIGN: A sign consisting of tapered flags made of lightweight material that are hung in a series and may or may not contain a message. "Pennant signs" do not include "attention getting devices" or "banner flag signs".
PERGOLA: A freestanding structure with columns or posts topped with beams and open rafters, which may or may not be connected to the wall of a building.
PERMANENT SIGN: A sign constructed of durable materials that is intended to be displayed for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
PERMITTED USE: A use that is allowed to be established by-right in a zoning district, and does not require administrative review or approval.
PERSON: An individual, firm, corporation, partnership, or other similar entity.
PERSONAL SERVICES ESTABLISHMENT: A commercial enterprise primarily engaged in the provision of services of a personal nature. "Personal service establishment" uses may include, but shall not be limited to, dry cleaners, barbershops, beauty salons, animal day care establishments, animal grooming establishments, shoe repair shops, and tailor shops. "Personal service establishment" includes facilities that sell products and goods in an incidental manner to the establishment's provision of services. "Personal services establishment" does not include "adult use", "animal boarding, hospital, or shelter" or "tattoo parlor".
PITCHED ROOF: A pitched or sloped roof, including hipped roofs, gabled roofs, roofs with a combination of hips and gables, gambrel roofs, and mansard roofs. See figure 10-11-2-1, "Building Height And Roof Types", of this section.
PLACE OF WORSHIP: An institution maintained by a religious body where people assemble for religious purposes, ceremonies, and other similar events. "Place of worship" may include housing for members of religious orders, "day care centers", "preschools", or "elementary, middle, or high schools".
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A distinct category of special use permit intended to allow flexibility in the application of the standards of this title. "Planned unit developments" are intended for significant development proposals that provide amenities to the community which are not required from conventional development applications.
PLAT: A document that displays property lines and other information for the purpose of identifying and/or dividing land.
PLUG-IN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE (PHEV): Vehicles with an electric motor and an internal combustion engine (gasoline, diesel, or other fuel). PHEVs can be powered with either the electric motor or the gasoline engine.
POLE SIGN: A sign mounted to one or more freestanding poles that does not include a freestanding base and is not attached to a building.
PORCH: An unenclosed roofed platform projecting from the exterior wall of a building.
PORTABLE SIGN: A sign with a supporting structure that is designed to be moved or relocated for display. Portable signs include, but shall not be limited to, signs mounted upon a trailer or other non-motorized mobile structure, which may or may not possess wheels. "Portable signs" do not include "A-frame signs" or "manually changeable copy signs". Refer to figure 11-2-C, "Portable Sign", of this definition.

PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: A structure where the primary use of the lot is conducted.
PRINCIPAL USE: The primary use of a lot or building as distinguished from an accessory use, which may be designated as a permitted use or a special use.
PROFESSIONAL OFFICE: An establishment that engages in the application, processing, or manipulation of business information or professional expertise, which may or may not offer services to the public or offer health-related outpatient treatment by licensed health professionals. A "professional office" shall not manufacture, assemble, warehouse, or repair goods and products for the retail or wholesale market, or engage in the repair of products or the provision of retail services. "Professional office" may include, but shall not be limited to, medical offices, dental offices, law firms, insurance agencies, accounting firms, real estate agencies, investment firms, and non-profit organizations. "Professional office" does not include "day labor center", "medical marijuana dispensary" or government offices, which are considered "government facilities".
PROJECTING SIGN: A sign attached to a building or other structure that extends beyond the surface of the building and is typically oriented perpendicular to the facade of the building. "Projecting signs" do not include "awning signs" or "marquee signs".
RAIN BARREL: A container for storing rainwater installed above- grade that generally has a capacity of less than five hundred (500) gallons.
RAIN GARDEN: A shallow vegetated basin that collects and absorbs stormwater runoff.
RAINWATER CISTERN: A container for storing rainwater that may be installed either above or below grade.
REAR FACADE: Any facade that faces and is most closely parallel to the rear lot line.
REAR LOT LINE: The boundary of a lot that is most distant from and approximately parallel to the front lot line. If the rear lot line is less than ten feet (10') in length, or if the lot forms a point in the rear, then the rear lot line shall be considered a line that is ten feet (10') in length between the side lot lines that is most distant from and approximately parallel to the front lot line. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
REAR YARD: The area on a lot extending from the rear facade of a building to the rear lot line between the side lot lines on an interior lot, and between the side lot line and the corner side yard on a corner lot. Refer to figure 10-11-2-3, "Lot Lines And Yards", of this section.
RECREATION EQUIPMENT: Structures typically used for children's active recreation, which may include, but not be limited to swing sets and jungle gyms. "Recreation equipment" does not include "treehouse".
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: Vehicles or trailers for recreational or utilitarian uses that can be driven, towed, hauled, sailed, or flown. "Recreational vehicles" includes, but is not limited to, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, race cars, off-road vehicles, travel trailers, pull campers, tent trailers, special purpose trailers, cargo trailers, utility trailers, vehicle trailers, power boats, cruisers, jet skis, fishing boats, hunting boats, pontoon boats, personal watercraft, row boats, and sail boats. "Recreational vehicle" does not include "dwelling unit".
REFUSE, RECYCLING, OR GREASE CONTAINER: A receptacle for the disposal of litter, recyclables, or grease.
RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT FACILITY: A facility in which ideas and technologies are investigated, tested, and refined in industries that may include, but shall not be limited to, electronics, computer hardware and software, communications, information technology, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. "Research/development facility" may include the incidental manufacture and/or sale of products developed at the facility.
RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY: A group care facility licensed for 24-hour medical or non-medical care of people in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living, or for the protection of the individual. A "residential care facility" includes "assisted living facility", "independent living facility", "nursing home", hospice, and continuum of care facilities. A "residential care facility" does not include "community residence".
RESIDENTIAL SIGN: A permanent sign located on a lot in a Residential Zoning District.
RESTAURANT: An establishment that prepares and sells food and beverages for consumption on the premises and/or for carry-out. "Restaurant" shall not include refreshment stands incidental to "indoor entertainment", "indoor recreation", "outdoor entertainment", or "outdoor recreation" uses.
RETAIL GOODS ESTABLISHMENT: A commercial enterprise primarily engaged in providing physical goods, products, or merchandise directly to the consumer, where such goods are typically available for immediate purchase and removal from the premises by the purchaser. "Retail goods establishment" may include, but shall not be limited to, grocery stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, appliance stores, electronics stores, furniture stores, office supply stores, bookstores, and sporting goods stores. "Retail goods establishment" does not include "adult use", "gun sales establishment", "medical marijuana dispensary", or "tobacco shop".
REVERSE CORNER LOT: A type of corner lot where the corner side lot line is adjacent to the front lot line of the lot to its rear. See figure 10-11-2-2, "Lot Types", of this section.
RIGHT-OF-WAY: Land dedicated or utilized for a street, trail, sidewalk, utility, railroad, or other similar purpose.
ROOF SIGN (BUILDING-MOUNTED): A sign erected on the roof of a building that projects above the highest point of the roofline or parapet wall.
ROOF SIGN (PAINTED): A sign painted on the surface of the roof of a building or fastened to the roof with adhesives.
SATELLITE DISH: A parabolic antenna designed to send and/or receive television, radio, communication, data, or other similar signals from satellites and antennas.
SCREENING: Structures or landscaping elements used to conceal adjacent buildings or structures.
SELF-SERVICE STORAGE: A facility used for the storage of personal property where individuals rent storage spaces of various sizes on an individual basis.
SHADE TREE: A deciduous tree, generally having a single stem, planted primarily for shade. Trees with an expected canopy of over forty feet (40') are considered large shade trees. Trees with an expected canopy of thirty feet (30') to forty feet (40') are considered medium shade trees.
SHARED PARKING: The use of a parking space to serve two (2) or more individual land uses without conflict or encroachment.
SHED: A relatively small building typically used to store lawn, garden, and/or swimming pool equipment.
SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING: Bicycle parking intended primarily for short-term use. Bicycles are typically secured to short-term parking facilities by means of a bicyclist's own lock.
SIGN: A message, image, display, or object used to advertise, direct attention to, or promote the interests of a person, business, organization, location, product, service, or activity. "Signs" do not include works of art.
SILL: A projecting horizontal architectural feature, often located below a window or door.
SINGLE-UNIT DWELLING: A building that contains one dwelling unit, which is not attached to any other dwelling units.
SMALL WIND ENERGY SYSTEM: A structure that converts wind energy to electric or mechanical power with a rated capacity of not more than one hundred kilowatts (100 kW). "Small Wind Energy Systems" consist of a wind turbine, tower or mounting device, and associated control or conversion electronics intended to reduce on-site consumption of utility power.
SNIPE SIGN: A sign affixed, hung, placed, applied, or posted to any tree, utility pole, hydrant, bench, fence, stake, trash receptacle, sidewalk, curb, parkway, street, median, or similar location, located on either public or private property, without the consent of the property owner.
SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTION SYSTEM: A structure that converts sunlight into electric or mechanical power. "Solar Energy Collection Systems" consist of photovoltaic panels, mounting device, and associated control or conversion electronics intended to reduce on-site consumption of utility power.
SPECIAL USE: A use that has unique characteristics inherent in its operation that may be allowed in a zoning district following administrative review and approval.
SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS: Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and human genitals, or any device worn to simulate human genitals, in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES: Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy; and fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic regions, buttocks, or female breasts.
STACKING SPACE: A space designated as a waiting area, or queuing area, for vehicles at a drive-through establishment.
STAIRS: A structure made up of a series of steps used to move from one level of a building or structure to another.
STEALTH DESIGN: A technique that reduces the visual impact of a structure by enclosing, camouflaging, screening, or obscuring the structure in relation to the architectural features of a larger building or structure.
STOOP: A structure made up of stairs and a landing used to access a building or structure.
STORY: The portion of a building included between a floor and the floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, the space between the floor and the ceiling above the floor. A basement shall not be counted as a story.
STREET ADDRESS SIGN: A sign that displays the name or address of the occupant.
STRUCTURAL SOIL: Soil that includes aggregate to support concrete sidewalks and asphalt parking lots while providing nourishment to plant roots.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected that requires location on the ground or must be attached to something located on the ground.
SWIMMING POOL: An in-ground or aboveground basin of water constructed for swimming or wading.
TANDEM PARKING: A parking area consisting of two (2) or more parking spaces placed one behind the other, with the space nearest to the driveway or street serving as the only means of access to the other space.
TEMPORARY OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: A live event that is intended to be in place for a limited period of time within an outdoor space. "Temporary outdoor entertainment" may include, but shall not be limited to, animal shows, carnivals, circuses, fireworks shows, live music, outdoor theater, and worship services.
TEMPORARY OUTDOOR SALE: The outdoor sale and display of merchandise of a seasonal nature, such as pumpkins or Christmas trees.
TEMPORARY SIGN: A sign that is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.
TEMPORARY STORAGE CONTAINER: A temporary, moveable structure that may be used for the storage of possessions or products prior to being transported to a storage facility, or for collecting waste and other material associated with the construction and renovation of a structure.
TEMPORARY STRUCTURE: A structure that is intended to be in place for a limited period of time, which is typically constructed without a foundation.
TEMPORARY USE: A use that is intended to be in place for a limited period of time.
TEMPORARY WINDOW SIGN: A sign affixed, hung, placed, applied, or posted on the interior or exterior of a building window or door that is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.
THROUGH LOT: An interior lot having frontage on two (2) generally parallel streets that do not intersect. On a through lot, both lot lines adjacent to the right-of-way shall be deemed front lot lines. See figure 10-11-2-2, "Lot Types", of this section.
TOBACCO SHOP: An establishment primarily engaged in the sales and display of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and other smoking related products.
TOWNHOUSE DWELLING: A building that contains three (3) or more dwelling units where each unit has an individual entrance to the outdoors and each unit is attached vertically using one or more party walls. "Townhouse dwelling" does not include "two-unit dwelling" or "multiple-unit dwelling".
TRANSITIONAL TREATMENT FACILITY: A facility that provides supervision, counseling, and therapy for individuals recovering from addiction that is licensed, certified, or accredited by the appropriate State or Federal agencies, and may dispense pharmaceutical products for off-site use. "Transitional treatment facility" does not include any residential facility.
TREEHOUSE: An accessory structure supported by one or more trees. "Treehouse" does not include "recreation equipment".
TRELLIS: A vertical latticework structure used in a garden to support climbing plants.
TRUCK REPAIR: An establishment that provides services to adjust, align, repair, repaint, and/or replace commercial vehicle and/or truck parts and systems for vehicles that weigh eight thousand (8,000) pounds or more. "Truck repair" includes facilities that sell commercial vehicle and/or truck parts and supplies in an incidental manner to the establishment's repair facilities. "Truck repair" does not include "gas station", "motor vehicle rental", "motor vehicle repair and/or service", "motor vehicle sales", or "truck stop".
TRUCK STOP: An establishment where motor vehicle fuel, including non-petroleum fuel, is stored and dispensed from fixed equipment into commercial vehicles and/or trucks that weigh eight thousand (8,000) pounds or more. A "truck stop" may also include accessory activities such as restaurants, shower facilities, truck washes, and convenience retail stores.
TWO-UNIT DWELLING: A building that contains two (2) dwelling units where each unit has an individual entrance to a common stairway, hallway, or to the outdoors. "Two-unit dwelling" does not include "townhouse dwelling" or "multiple-unit dwelling".
UNSHIELDED LIGHTING: A fixture that allows light to be emitted above a horizontal plane from the lowest point of the fixture that emits light.
USE: The purpose or activity for which a lot, building, or structure is designed, intended, occupied, or maintained.
UTILITY: The use of land for infrastructure facilities including, but not limited to, services for gas, electricity, water treatment and storage, sewage treatment and storage, telephone, cable television, data, cellular, and fiber.
VARIATION: Authorization granted by the Village to allow development that deviates from the specific regulations of this title.
VEHICLE FOR SALE SIGN: A sign used to sell a new or used vehicle, often placed in the window of the vehicle.
VEHICLE SIGN: A sign attached to or placed on a vehicle that is prominently visible from the public right-of-way where the primary purpose of the vehicle is to advertise a business, product, or service rather than to be actively used or available for the daily function of the business to which the sign relates. "Vehicle sign" shall not include a vehicle for sale sign advertising a vehicle for lease or sale.
VIDEO DISPLAY SIGN: A sign that displays a message with text, detailed images, or video using digital screens, LED screens, plasma screens, flat screens, video screens, and holographic displays. "Video display sign" shall not include "electronic message sign".
VILLAGE: The Village of Bensenville, Illinois.
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: A facility that offers instruction in industrial, clerical, commercial, managerial, building trades, or automotive skills. "Vocational school" also includes educational facilities conducted as commercial enterprises, such as driving schools, schools for general educational development, and other privately operated schools that do not offer a complete educational curriculum. "Vocational school" does not include "high school" or "college or university".
WALL: A vertical structure, typically constructed of concrete, stone, brick, masonry, or other similar material, that creates a physical barrier for light and air.
WALL SIGN: A sign mounted flat against the wall of a building or structure that is typically oriented parallel to the wall to which it is attached.
WAREHOUSING, STORAGE, OR DISTRIBUTION FACILITY: An establishment that stores and transports products or equipment, including, but not limited to warehouses, moving companies, storage facilities, freight transportation, and truck terminals.
WARNING SIGN: A sign that communicates a message of warning, danger, or caution, such as "Private Property", "No Trespassing", or "Beware of Dog".
WAYFINDING SIGN: A sign installed within the right-of-way by a government agency for the purpose of improving navigation and/or promoting local amenities.
WHITE ROOF: A roof that is white or light in color that provides high levels of solar reflectance and reduces the heat absorbed by a building or structure.
WINDOW SIGN: A sign affixed, hung, placed, applied, or posted on the interior or exterior of a building window or door which is intended to be viewed from the exterior of a building.
WINDOW WELL: Space maintained around an at grade or below-grade window to provide light, egress, and stormwater drainage.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION ANTENNA: A structure used to transmit and/or receive communication, data, or other similar signals in order to facilitate the use of wireless devices. "Wireless telecommunications antenna" does not include "antenna" or "satellite dish".
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY: A structure used to protect the equipment that processes communication, data, or other similar signals in order to facilitate the use of wireless devices.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER: A structure designed and constructed to support one or more "wireless telecommunications antennas" and all devices attached to it. "Wireless telecommunication towers" are typically freestanding and may be of either lattice or monopole construction.
YARD: The area on a lot between the principal structure and the lot line.
YARD SIGN: A temporary freestanding sign that is placed in a yard.
ZONING DISTRICT: A designation given to each lot within the Village under which certain development regulations and requirements are uniform.
ZONING LOT: One or more lots located within a block that is under single ownership and is designated as a unit of land for development by the owner of such land.
ZONING MAP: The map incorporated into this title, which designates the boundaries of the zoning districts of the Village.
(Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018; Ord. 52-2019, 10-22-2019; Ord. 13-2023, 4-25-2023; Ord. 20-2023, 6-20-2023; Ord. 14-2024, 4-23-2024)