A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to ensure signage that is harmonious and compatible with that of other tenant signage.
B. Applicability: The requirements of this Section shall apply to all signs installed in non-residential developments with three (3) or more tenants.
C. Design Standards: Signs must comply with sign regulations of this Chapter 10 (Signs). All signs within a development will be reviewed based on the following design elements of other signage in said development:
1. Background color or text color.
2. Lettering style.
3. Mounting height on buildings for wall signs.
4. Materials.
5. Sign type.
D. Design Approval: The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve the design of multi-tenant development signage.
E. If the Zoning Administrator denies the design of a sign, the applicant may resubmit the application as a Variation in accordance with § 10-3-4 (Variation). (Ord. 28-2020, 6-16-2020)