The off-street parking requirements established in subsection 10-8-2C, table 10-8-2-1, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", of this chapter may be reduced by the following measures with prior written approval by the Zoning Administrator. One or more parking reduction measures may be utilized to completely eliminate the off-street parking requirement for the specified use.
   A.   C-1 District Exemption: The requirements of subsection 10-8-2C, table 10-8-2-1, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", of this chapter shall not apply to non-residential uses in the C-1 District.
   B.   Proximity To A Commuter Rail Station: Non-residential uses that are located within one-half (1/2) mile of a commuter rail station, as measured from any point along the lot line, may reduce the total number of off-street parking spaces required by twenty five percent (25%).
   C.   Proximity To A Bus Stop: Non-residential uses that are located within five hundred feet (500') of a public transit bus stop with regular, scheduled service, as measured from any point along the lot line, may reduce the total number of off-street parking spaces required by five percent (5%).
   D.   Proximity To A Municipal Parking Lot: Non-residential uses that are located within five hundred feet (500') of a Municipally-owned parking lot, as measured from any point along the lot line, may reduce the total number of off-street parking spaces required by twenty five percent (25%).
   E.   Electric Vehicle Charging Station: Each parking space used as an electric vehicle charging station may be counted as three (3) off-street parking spaces, provided that the space is reserved exclusively for electric vehicle charging purposes, for a credit of up to ten percent (10%) of the total number of required off- street spaces.
   F.   Land-Banked Parking: Non-residential uses that provide land- banked parking may reduce the total number of off-street parking spaces required by twenty five percent (25%). The applicant must provide sufficient evidence that supports the need for the parking reduction. The area proposed for land-banked parking must be suitable for conversion to parking facilities in the future. The land-banked area must be landscaped, but this area shall not be used to fulfill the landscape requirements of chapter 9, "Landscape Standards", of this title. Land-banked parking areas shall not be used for outdoor storage. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to require the conversion of all or part of the land-banked area to off-street parking spaces within six (6) months of notification from the Village. The applicant may convert the land-banked parking area to parking prior to Village notification. A written agreement for land-banked parking shall be executed between the applicant and the Village in a format satisfactory to the Village Attorney and shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook or DuPage County, as applicable.
   G.   Fee-In-Lieu: A fee-in-lieu of providing parking spaces may be permitted with written approval of the Zoning Administrator. The fee required shall be based upon a uniform fee per parking space established annually by the Village Board. Such payment shall be placed into a fund to be used by the Village for the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of public off-street parking lots within the same zoning district as the subject use or within adjacent zoning districts of reasonable proximity to serve the subject use. The property granted the reduction in the number of required off-street spaces shall be credited permanently by ordinance with the number of spaces for which payment was received by the Village.
   H.   Car-Share: Uses that provide car-share parking spaces may reduce the total number of required parking spaces by five (5) parking spaces for each car-share parking space provided. The applicant shall provide documentation of an agreement with a car- share company in a format approved by the Village Attorney. If this agreement should terminate at any point, then the applicant shall either arrange an agreement with another car-share company to avoid service interruption, or meet the minimum parking requirements established by this chapter. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)