A.   Purpose: The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the public by providing for safe and efficient traffic circulation, ensuring an appropriate quantity of vehicular and bicycle parking to support a variety of land uses, minimizing impervious surface coverage associated with parking and loading, and providing for adequate site access and loading facilities.
   B.   Applicability: The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the following:
      1.   New construction of a principal structure or principal use.
      2.   Alteration of an existing principal structure or a change in principal use that results in an increase in the number of required parking spaces.
      3.   The construction of new parking facilities, loading facilities, drive-throughs, and/or driveways.
      4.   The reconfiguration, expansion, or reconstruction of an existing parking lot.
   C.   General Requirements: The following requirements apply to all parking and loading areas.
      1.   Site Plan Review Approval: Site plan review approval is required prior to either the construction of a new parking lot, or the expansion of an existing parking lot (see section 10-3-2, "Site Plan Review", of this title).
      2.   Occupancy Permit: Construction of off-street parking lots and loading areas required by this chapter shall be completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for the uses served by the parking and loading facilities.
      3.   Change In Use: When an existing use is changed to a new use, parking and loading spaces shall be provided as required for the new use. Additional parking and/or loading spaces shall be required in the amount by which the requirements for the new use exceed the existing number of parking spaces. If the number of existing parking spaces is more than the number of spaces required for the new use, the number of parking spaces may be decreased to meet the minimum requirement for the new use.
      4.   Encroachment: Parking facilities are allowed to encroach into the required front yard, corner side yard, interior side and/or rear yard, but shall be at least one foot (1') from any lot line, provided no parking lot perimeter landscape (see subsection 10-9-5B, "Parking Lot Perimeter Landscape", of this title) or buffer yard (see section 10-9-6, "Buffer Yards", of this title) is required.
      5.   Maintenance Responsibility: All parking and loading facilities shall be maintained and kept in good repair by the property owner. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)