A.   Purpose: The purpose of this chapter is to establish the uses of land allowed by this title.
   B.   General Standards: The following standards apply generally to the uses allowed by this title.
      1.   Federal, State, And Local Requirements: All uses shall comply with relevant Federal, State, and local standards including licensing, health, and safety requirements. The provisions of this chapter are subject to the use regulations of applicable Federal, State, and local regulations for runway protection zones and airspace clearances for O'Hare International Airport.
      2.   Number Of Principal Uses: A lot may contain more than one principal use.
      3.   Principal, Accessory, And Temporary Uses: Each use may function as a principal, accessory, or temporary use on a lot, unless otherwise specified.
      4.   Uses Within Enclosed Buildings Or Structures: Each use shall be primarily located within an enclosed building or structure. Uses exempt from this requirement include community garden, outdoor dining, outdoor entertainment, outdoor recreation, outdoor storage area, and park. All buildings and structures shall comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter and chapter 6, "Zoning District Regulations", of this title.
      5.   Exempt Public Uses: The following public uses are allowed to be erected, constructed, altered, or maintained in any zoning district.
         a.   Traffic signals, fire hydrants, and other similar public safety devices.
         b.   Utility poles, wires, mains, drains, pipes, conduits, cables, and other similar public service devices.
   C.   Interpretation: Some of the uses included in this chapter are defined as broad, generic categories that contain a group of similar uses. See chapter 11, "Definitions", of this title for definitions of the uses included in this chapter. Applicants may request an interpretation of the uses in this title from the Zoning Administrator in accordance with section 10-3-8, "Zoning Interpretation", of this title.
      1.   Unlisted Similar Use: If a use is not listed in this chapter, but is similar in nature and impact to a permitted or special use allowed within a zoning district, the Zoning Administrator may interpret the unlisted use as an allowed use.
         a.   The unlisted use shall be subject to any use standards that apply to the similar allowed use.
         b.   The Zoning Administrator may interpret the unlisted use as requiring the approval of a special use permit if the similar allowed use requires the approval of a special use permit.
      2.   Unlisted Dissimilar Use: If a use is not listed and the Zoning Administrator cannot interpret the use as similar in nature and impact to a permitted or special use, the use is not allowed and may only be approved through an amendment of this title (refer to section 10-3-6, "Zoning Text Or Map Amendment", of this title). (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)