A. Applicability: The design requirements in this section apply to all new construction and significant exterior renovation of existing structures within the Village's I-1 and I-2 Districts, with the exception of single-unit dwellings, two-unit dwellings, townhouse dwelling units, and multiple-unit dwellings. See sections 10-6-20, "I-1 Light Industrial District", and 10-6-21, "I-2 General Industrial District", of this chapter for additional design requirements specific to each Industrial Zoning District. Refer to figure 10-6-19-1, "Industrial Design Requirements", of this section. See section 10-6-9, "Design Requirements For Residential Zoning Districts", of this chapter for design requirements specific to single-unit dwellings, two-unit dwellings, townhouse dwelling units, and multiple-unit dwellings within the Village's Industrial Zoning Districts.
B. Design Requirements:
1. Facade Articulation: For buildings with more than one hundred feet (100') of building width or depth, vertical architectural or structural elements must be incorporated along all street-facing facades at regular intervals to vertically divide large, flat wall planes. Examples of such elements include texture change, material change, color change, or wall articulation change, such as an offset, pilaster, column, reveal, or vertical expression line, of no less than six inches (6").
2. Building Facade Materials:
a. Allowed Materials: The following materials are allowed on any building facade: durable and natural materials, such as stone, brick, stucco, metal, concrete, burnished concrete masonry units, and non-reflective glass, unless otherwise limited by subsection B2b, "Limited Materials", of this section.
b. Limited Materials: The following materials may only be utilized for trim or architectural details, and shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the total area of any building facade: utility brick, vinyl or metal siding, metal wall panels, exposed aggregate (rough finish) concrete wall panels, non-burnished concrete masonry units, exterior insulation and finishing systems, fiberglass, plastic, untreated wood, and mirrored glass. The painting of brick, limestone, or other natural stone is prohibited so such materials retain their natural colors. Security shutters, gates, grills, or other similar security features, as deemed applicable by the Zoning Administrator, shall not be fully opaque and shall not be affixed to the exterior of any building façade.
3. Roof Design: Green roof, white roof, and blue roof designs are encouraged.
4. Parking Location: Parking areas may be located in the front, corner side, interior side, or rear yards. Parking areas located in the front or corner side yard must not be the dominant visual element of the site when viewed from a right-of-way. Parking areas of fifty (50) parking spaces or more shall be located in interior side and rear yards.
5. Principal Entrance Location: Principal entrances must be located on the front or corner side facade.
FIGURE 10-6-19-1
(Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018; amd. Ord. 20-2023, 6-20-2023)