In order to carry out the purpose and intent of this title, the Village is hereby divided into zoning districts with the following purpose statements.
   A.   Residential Districts:
      1.   R-1 Single-Unit Dwelling District: The R-1 Single-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate low-density single-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with existing single-unit dwelling neighborhoods in the Village. The R-1 District allows single-dwelling units and limited non- residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      2.   R-2 Single-Unit Dwelling District: The R-2 Single-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate moderate density single-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with existing single-unit dwelling neighborhoods in the Village. The R-2 District allows single-dwelling units and limited non- residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      3.   R-3 Single-Unit Dwelling District: The R-3 Single-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate moderate density single-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with existing single-unit dwelling neighborhoods in the Village. The R-3 District allows single-dwelling units and limited non- residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      4.   R-4 Single-Unit Dwelling District: The R-4 Single-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate high density single-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with the character of traditional neighborhood design. The R-4 District allows single-dwelling units and limited non-residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      5.   R-5 Multiple-Unit Dwelling District: The R-5 Multiple-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate townhouse dwelling units and small-scale multiple-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with existing townhouse dwelling unit and multiple-unit dwelling neighborhoods in the Village. The R-5 District allows townhouse dwelling units and multiple-unit dwellings and limited non-residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      6.   R-6 Multiple-Unit Dwelling District: The R-6 Multiple-Unit Dwelling District is established to accommodate large-scale multiple-unit dwelling development in a manner consistent with existing multiple-unit dwelling neighborhoods in the Village. The R-6 District allows multiple-unit dwellings and limited non- residential uses that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      7.   WPNOD White Pines Neighborhood Overlay District: The WPNOD White Pines Neighborhood Overlay District is established to accommodate development in the area bounded by 3rd Avenue and Jefferson Street to the north, Church Road to the east, the Fisher Woods Forest Preserve to the south, and Illinois Route 83 to the west. For zoning district standards for the WPNOD see chapter 12, "Overlay Districts", of this title.
   B.   Business Districts:
      1.   C-1 Downtown Mixed-Use District: The C-1 Downtown Mixed-Use District is established to accommodate pedestrian-oriented commercial and high density residential development that serves the Village and surrounding communities. The C-1 District allows a wide range of commercial, residential, and institutional uses within downtown Bensenville.
      2.   C-2 Commercial District: The C-2 Commercial District is established to accommodate auto-oriented commercial development that serves the Village and surrounding communities. The C-2 District allows a wide range of commercial and institutional uses primarily along major arterials, such as Irving Park Road, Green Street, and Grand Avenue.
   C.   Industrial Districts:
      1.   I-1 Light Industrial District: The I-1 Light Industrial District is established to accommodate low intensity industrial development with minimal impacts on neighboring properties. The I-1 District allows a narrowly defined set of light industrial, office, and research uses in transition areas between residential neighborhoods and high intensity industrial areas.
      2.   I-2 General Industrial District: The I-2 General Industrial District is established to accommodate high intensity industrial development with the potential for impacts on neighboring properties. The I-2 District allows a wide array of light, medium, and heavy industrial uses primarily north of Eagle Drive and around the eastern portion of Green Street. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)