The Village Board, Community Development Commission, and Zoning Administrator shall evaluate applications for planned unit developments with specific written findings based on a balance of both the standards of this section and the standards for special use permits in accordance with subsection 10-3-3E, "Standards For Special Use Permits", of this title.
   A.   The proposed planned unit development fulfills the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and other land use policies of the Village, through an innovative and creative approach to the development of land.
   B.   The proposed planned unit development will provide walkways, driveways, streets, parking facilities, loading facilities, exterior lighting, and traffic control devices that adequately serve the uses within the development, promote improved access to public transportation, and provide for safe motor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic to and from the site.
   C.   The proposed planned unit development will provide landscaping and screening that enhances the Village's character and livability, improves air and water quality, reduces noise, provides buffers, and facilitates transitions between different types of uses.
   D.   The proposed planned unit development will incorporate sustainable and low impact site design and development principles.
   E.   The proposed planned unit development will protect the community's natural environment to the greatest extent practical, including existing natural features, water courses, trees, and native vegetation.
   F.   The proposed planned unit development will be provided with underground installation of utilities when feasible, including electricity, cable, and telephone, as well as appropriate facilities for storm sewers, stormwater retention, and stormwater detention. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)