A final plan for an approved planned unit development may be amended in accordance with the requirements of this section.
   A.   Major Amendments: Any change to an approved final plan that substantially affects the essential design, composition, and character of the planned unit development shall be considered a major amendment. Any amendment that is not established as a minor amendment in subsection B, "Minor Amendments", of this section shall be considered a major amendment. The Village Board shall make a decision on a request for a major amendment after receiving a recommendation from the Community Development Commission in accordance with subsection 10-4-3C, "Preliminary Plan", of this chapter.
   B.   Minor Amendments: Any change to an approved final plan that minimally affects the essential design, composition, and character of the planned unit development shall be considered a minor amendment. The Zoning Administrator shall make a decision on a request for a minor amendment in accordance with subsection 10-4-3C, "Preliminary Plan", of this chapter. The Zoning Administrator may determine that the application shall be resubmitted as a major amendment in accordance with subsection A, "Major Amendments", of this section. Minor amendments shall include the following:
      1.   Any change in the proportion of land uses in the development by less than ten (10) percentage points.
      2.   Any change in the gross floor area of the development by less than five percent (5%).
      3.   Any change in the building height of the development by less than five percent (5%).
      4.   Any change in the proportion of the impervious coverage of the development by less than five (5) percentage points.
      5.   Any change in the location or dimensions of walkways, driveways, streets, parking facilities, and loading facilities within the development by less than five feet (5').
      6.   Any change in the number of off-street parking spaces provided within the development by less than ten percent (10%). (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)