10-4-1: PURPOSE:
Planned unit developments are a distinct category of special use permit intended to allow flexibility in the application of the standards of this title for significant development proposals that provide amenities to the community beyond those required of conventional development applications. The planned unit development process seeks to achieve the following specific purposes:
   A.   Protect and promote the health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of the public.
   B.   Encourage creativity, flexibility, sustainability, and environmental sensitivity in the development of land and the design of structures.
   C.   Provide for the efficient use of land to facilitate a more effective arrangement of land uses, structures, utilities, circulation systems, parking, and other facilities.
   D.   Facilitate development that is consistent with Village land use policies, particularly in areas designated for potential redevelopment.
   E.   Encourage development that preserves and enhances the natural features, environmental resources, watercourses, and topography of the site.
   F.   Facilitate the provision of public and private open space, recreational facilities, and other amenities that will enhance the character of the site. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)