A.   Call For Public Hearings: All public hearings shall be held at the call of the Chairperson of the hearing body and shall be open to the public.
   B.   Testimony: Any person who attends a public hearing may appear and present testimony regarding an application. All testimony shall be given under oath or by affirmation.
   C.   Voting: The hearing body shall keep minutes of its proceedings that show the vote of each member of the hearing body upon each application, or if absent, or failing to vote, indicating that fact.
   D.   Meetings And Records: The hearing body shall keep records of its hearings, and evaluation standards shall be included in the minutes of each application specifying the reasons for the hearing body's decision. Every determination of the hearing body shall be part of the public record.
   E.   Rules Of Procedure: The hearing body's rules of procedure shall not conflict with this title or with State Statutes. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018)