The Director of Community Development shall be considered the Zoning Administrator and shall have the following duties and responsibilities pursuant to this title. For the purposes of this title, the term Zoning Administrator shall be inclusive of his or her designees.
A. Review and make final decisions on applications for Site Plan Review (refer to § 10-3-2 Site Plan Review).
B. Review and make final decisions on applications for administrative adjustments (refer to section 10-3-5, "Administrative Adjustment", of this title).
C. Review and make final decisions on applications for zoning interpretations (refer to section 10-3-8, "Zoning Interpretation", of this title).
D. Review and make final decisions on applications for sign permits (refer to section 10-3-9, "Sign Permit", of this title).
E. Review and make final decisions on applications for temporary use permits (refer to section 10-3-10, "Temporary Use Permit", of this title).
F. Review and forward special use permits (refer to section 10-3-3, "Special Use Permit", of this title), variations (refer to section 10-3-4, "Variation", of this title), zoning text and map amendments (refer to section 10-3-6, "Zoning Text Or Map Amendment", of this title), zoning appeals (refer to section 10-3-7, "Zoning Appeal", of this title), planned unit developments (refer to chapter 4, "Planned Unit Developments", of this title), and other administrative reviews required by this title to the Community Development Commission or Village Board, as specified.
G. Maintain and make available permanent and current records of this title and Zoning Map.
H. Maintain and make available permanent and current records as required by this title including, but not limited to, all relevant information and official action regarding zoning applications.
I. Other responsibilities as designated by this title, the Village Board, or the Community Development Commission. (Ord. 67-2018, 12-18-2018; amd. Ord. 5-2021, 3-23-2021)