100 Chapter 1 - General
110.2 Add to the end of the Section the following:
"All unused or abandoned electrical conduit, conductors, cables, fixtures, equipment, etc. shall be removed."
110.3(A)(1) Revise as follows:
"…may be evidenced by listing or labeling. Such marks, listings or labeling shall be by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Canadian Standards Association (CSA) only."
110.3(C) Add new Article 110.3(C) as follows:
"Licensed Electrical Contractor. All electrical installations, alterations, repairs or other work shall be performed by a licensed electrician or licensed electrical contractor."
Exception: Electrical work performed on a single-family dwelling unit by the homeowner if said unit is the primary residence of the homeowner."
200 Chapter 2 - Wiring and Protection
210.70(A)(4) Add new Article 210.70(A)(4) as follows:
"Closets. All closets and storage areas with an area of 6.0 square feet or larger, and which are not referenced in Article 210.70(A)(3), shall be equipped with a fluorescent or recessed light fixture installed in accordance with Article 410.16."
230.43 Revise as follows:
(1) Open wiring on insulators. Delete in its entirety.
(2) Type IGS cable. Delete in its entirety.
(6) Electrical. Change to allow only for remodeling.
(7) Service entrance cables. Delete in its entirety.
(8) Wireways. Delete in its entirety.
(9) Busways. Delete in its entirety.
(10) Auxiliary gutters. Delete in its entirety.
(12) Cable bus. Delete in its entirety.
(13) Type MC-AC cable for residential applications only.
(14) Mineral-insulated, metal-sheathed cable. Delete in its entirety.
(15) Flexible metal conduit... Delete in its entirety.
(16) Liquid tight flexible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC). Is only allowed for exterior applications.
(17) High density polyethylene conduit (HDPE).
(18) Nonmetallic underground conduit with conductors (NUCC). Delete in its entirety.
(19) Reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC). Delete in its entirety.
230.71(A) Revise as follows:
"…shall consist of not more than one switch or circuit breaker. Sequence switching of multiple disconnects is not permitted.
For the purpose of this section…"
230.72(A) Delete in its entirety.
320 Delete in its entirety.
330 Delete in its entirety.
334 Delete in its entirety.
338 Delete in its entirety.
342.10(B) Revise as follows:
"IMC, elbows, couplings and fittings shall be permitted to be installed in direct contact with the earth, or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences were protected by corrosion protection and judged suitable for the condition. Intermediate metal conduit, elbows, couplings, and fittings shall not be permitted to be installed in concrete."
358.12(3) Delete Condition 3 in its entirety and in lieu of, add the following:
"(3) In concrete.
362 Delete in its entirety.
382 Delete in its entirety.
388 Delete in its entirety.
394 Delete in its entirety.
398 Delete in its entirety.
400 Chapter 4 - Equipment for General Use
408.2.1.1 Revise as follows:
"…with the applicable provisions of Articles 500 through 517. Circuit breakers on all nonresidential panel boards and switchboards shall be of the bolt-on type."
410.16(A) Revise as follow:
"… recessed incandescent luminaires with completely enclosed light sources."
700 Chapter 7 - Emergency Systems
760.24 Revise as follows:
"… comply with 300.4(D). Fire alarm cable which is permitted to run in free air shall be UL listed for such use and shall be red in color."
(Ord. 40-2015, 10-27-2015; amd. Ord. 11-2024, 3-26-2024)