100      Chapter 1 - ADMINISTRATION
      101.1   Revise as follows:
            "These regulations shall be known as the International Property Maintenance Code of the Village of Bensenville, hereinafter referred to as 'this code.'"
      102.3   Revise as follows:
            "… and provisions of the International Building Code, 2021 Illinois Energy Conservation Code, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Residential Code, 2014 Illinois Plumbing Code and 2023 NFPA 70. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify, or set aside any provisions of the Village of Bensenville Zoning Code."
      102.4   Revise as follows:
            "…of any structure that is dangerous, unsafe or unsanitary."
      102.8   Revise as follows:
            "The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 8, or adopted by the Village of Bensenville, and considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each reference.
      102.8.1   Revise as follows:
            Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the more restrictive requirements shall apply."
      109.6   Add new Section 107.7 as follows:
            "Failure to comply. If the owner or owners of a private property, or the person or persons responsible for a private property, fails to comply with a Notice of Violation, and refuses to remove garbage or debris from the property, or refuses to cut grass or weeds that have grown in excess of the maximum height specified in this code, the Village of Bensenville may provide for the removal of garbage or debris, or the cutting of grass or weeds, and may collect from the owner(s) or person(s) responsible the reasonable cost thereof. The cost of such removal or cutting shall be charged against the property and shall be a lien/ debt recovery upon such property."
               See 109.3
      111.7   Revise as follows:
            "If the structure is vacant and/or unfit for human habitation and occupancy, and is not in danger of structural collapse, the code official is authorized to post a placard on the premises and order the structure closed up…"
      111.7   Revise as follows:
            "Upon failure of the owner, owner's authorized agent or person responsible for complying with the notice provisions within the time given, the code official shall post on the premises or on defective equipment a placard.
      111.8   Revise as follows:
            Any occupied structure placarded by the code official shall be vacated as ordered by the code official…
      108   Delete section in its entirety and in lieu of, add the following:
         113 Means of Appeal Delete all text and insert the following:
            All initial appeals from a Contractor, Design Professional or homeowner about the proper application of a code related item shall be to the Building Official.
            The Building Code Official has a maximum of 10 days to respond.
            If the appellant does not agree with the Building Code Official the appellant may appeal to the Village Manager. The Village Manager has 10 days to respond.
            If the appellant does not agree with the Village Manager, the appellant may appear to the Village Board.
            The Village Board has a maximum of 45 days. to respond.
            This procedure does not eliminate the appellant's right to appeal to a court of law.
   200   Chapter 2 - DEFINITIONS
      202   Add the following new definitions:
         "Firewood: Combustible wood which is not painted, pressure-treated or chemically treated, not in excess of 30 inches in length, and free from screws, nails and hardware.
   300   Chapter 3 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
      302.2.1   Add new Section 302.2.1 as follows:
            "Sump pump discharge. The sump pump discharge pipe(s) shall be located at a minimum of two feet beyond the foundation wall. The end of the discharge pipe shall be located at least three feet from any property line and oriented in the direction of natural surface flow. The discharge pipe shall be in such a manner as to dissipate the discharged water and not cause icing or ponding on the public right-of-way or adjacent property.
            Any sump pump discharge found to be causing icing or ponding on the public right-of-way or adjacent properties shall be relocated or otherwise redirected. If no suitable location can be found for the sump pump discharge, the owner shall be permitted to connect the discharge to an available Village storm sewer system in accordance with Village standards. In no case shall the sump pump discharge be connected to the sanitary sewer."
      302.2.2   Add new Section 302.2.2 as follows:
            "Downspout discharge: the downspout discharge pipe(s) shall be located a minimum of 1 foot outside of the foundation wall, using a splash block to prevent erosion. The end of the discharge pipe shall be located at least three feet from any property line and oriented in the direction of natural surface flow. The discharge pipe shall be in such a manner as to dissipate the discharged water and not cause icing or ponding on the public right-of-way or adjacent property.
            Any downspout discharge found to be causing icing or ponding on the public right-of-way or adjacent properties shall be relocated or otherwise redirected."
      302.3   Revise as follows:
            "…maintained free from hazardous conditions. All parking and driveway areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or approved paver brick, shall be kept free from dirt and other litter or debris, and shall be kept in good repair. Asphalt parking lots shall be seal-coated to protect and extend the life of the asphalt, and all stalls or parking space striping and parking bumpers or stops shall likewise be maintained in a state of good repair. In addition, all fire lanes shall be properly striped Village ordinance.
      302.3.1   Add new Section 302.3.1 as follows:
            "Signs for fire lanes. All fire lanes shall be properly posted in accordance with the Building Code, Zoning Code.
      302.4   Revise as follows:
            "All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth more than 8 inches. Noxious weeds…Note definitions."
      302.4.1   Add new Section 302.4.1 as follows:
            "Dead or dying landscaping. All dead or dying landscaping, including trees and bushes shall be fully removed, including the stump."
      302.7.1   Add new Section 302.7.1 as follows:
            "Garbage enclosures. All structures enclosing garbage or trash containers shall be properly maintained, including all walls, doors, hardware, hard surface (concrete/asphalt) and screening, and shall be repaired or replaced if damaged, faded, rusted or has peeling paint."
      302.10   Add new Section 302.10 as follows:
            "Exterior signs. All exterior signs, including business identification, development identification, advertising, real estate, traffic, street, parking, and fire lane signs shall be properly maintained, and shall be repaired or replaced if damaged, rusted or faded."
      304.3   Revise as follows:
            "Buildings, including garages fronting an alley or other right-of-way, shall have approved address numbers…minimum 4-inch letters in a contrasting color."
      304.10   Revise as follows:
            "…and capable of supporting the imposed loads. Additionally, no storage of any kind is permitted on stairways, and only storage which is ancillary to the use of decks, porches, and balconies (tables, chairs, etc.) are permitted to be stored thereon."
      304.13.3   Add new Section 304.13.3 as follows:
            "Window air-conditioners. All window air conditioners shall be installed in a safe and secure manner in accordance to the air-conditioning manufacturer's installation guidelines. Window air-conditioners in multifamily buildings shall use only painted wood or metal for infill of the window opening. It shall match the building's exterior color and finish. The use of plastic, cardboard or other such materials is prohibited."
      304.15.1   Add new Section 304.15.1 as follows:
            "Exterior common entry doors on multifamily buildings. The exterior common entry doors of all multifamily buildings and all related hardware, including locks, closers, hinges, security plates and doorknobs/handles shall be always maintained in proper working order. Automatic closers and security plates to cover and protect the door striker are required on all such doors."
      308.1   Revise as follows:
            "Exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage, including, but not limited to, building materials, construction debris, automotive parts and other miscellaneous debris. This is not intended to prohibit the storage of firewood, as defined in Section 202.0, that is neatly stacked and elevated 6 inches above grade so as not to create a rodent harborage."  
      309.4   Revise as follows.
            "… shall be responsible for extermination. When infestations are present within the inside or outside building, the building owner shall hire an exterminator, and shall have a signed contract for extermination until a time that infestations are no longer present. A copy of each extermination report from the hired exterminator shall be provided to the Village, including the final report attesting to the eradication of the infestation. Additionally, the premises shall be cleaned and sanitized of infestations after extermination." 
      602.3   Revise as follows:
            "… shall supply heat during the period from October 1 to April 1 to maintain a temperature of not less than 68 degrees F (20 degrees C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms.
            1. When the outdoor temperature is below 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C), maintenance of the minimum…"
      602.4   Revise as follows:
            "Indoor occupiable workspaces shall be supplied with heat during the period from October 1 to April 1 to maintain a temperature of not less than 65 degrees F (18 degrees C) during the period the spaces are occupied."
      604.4   Exterior light levels. The lighting line created by exterior light fixtures shall not cast any illumination past the lot line.
(Ord. 40-2015, 10-27-2015; amd. Ord. 11-2024, 3-26-2024)