A.   Obstructing Hydrants: No person shall in any manner obstruct the access to any stopcock, hydrant or valve, or any public faucet or opening for taking water in any street, alley, public ground or place connected with or part of said water system or plant, nor pile or place any lumber, brick or building material or other article, thing or hindrance whatsoever within twelve feet (12') of the same, or so as to in any manner hinder, delay or obstruct the members of the fire department in reaching the same.
   B.   Taking Water From Hydrants: No person not duly authorized shall turn the water on at any fire hydrant or service cock, or use water therefrom when so turned on, under penalty of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense, and the person so using or wasting water in such unlawful manner shall be liable to pay therefor at the regular water rates without discount. (Ord. 1-93, 1-5-1993)