The following rules and regulations for the government of water takers and expert persons licensed by the village are hereby adopted and established and authority is hereby conferred upon the water supervisor to make and establish such additional rules and regulations as he may deem advisable from time to time and with the consent and approval of the board of trustees:
   A.   Appointment Of Officers And Agents: The village manager, subject to the ratification of the board of trustees, shall appoint all the necessary officers and agents for furnishing water, collecting water rates, assessments and rates.
   B.   Supervision Of Work: All work on the streets and public works contemplated by this chapter must be done under the supervision of the water supervisor working with and at the general direction of the director of public works.
   C.   Size Of Service Pipe; Record Of Taps Inserted: The ferrule inserted in the distributing pipes and the service pipe laid shall be of the size specified in the permit and order. The supervisor shall keep a complete record and profile of the exact location and number and sizes of all taps inserted and lengths of service pipes laid, the tapper being hereby required to make immediate returns to the supervisor of such details.
   D.   Notice From Plumber: Notice must be left at the office of the supervisor by the plumber about to lay a service pipe, fixing the day on which he wishes to insert the ferrule.
   E.   Duties Of Supervisor: It shall be the duty of the supervisor to superintend and direct all work connected with the water system which may be done upon the streets of the village, and from time to time to report to the board of trustees as to the manner in which the plumbers perform their work and the condition in which they find the streets repaired.
   F.   Turned Off When Not In Use: Hydrants, taps, hoses, water closets, urinals, baths and other fixtures shall not be permitted to be kept running when not in actual use.
   G.   Location Of Private Hydrants: No private hydrant shall be located on the sidewalk or elsewhere beyond the limits of the lot of the party to whom the permit is issued.
   H.   Applications For Water: Applications for water must state fully and truly the purposes for which the water is required, and when paying the charges for such water, parties must frankly and without concealment answer all questions put to them, relative to the consumer. The applicant shall, in such application, agree that in consideration of the insertion of the ferrule, he will pay, or cause to be paid, the assessments levied or rates charged on said premises for the water pipe that is proposed to be tapped, and that he will faithfully comply with the rules established by this chapter and as changed from time to time. In case of fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the applicant, or of users of water not embraced in the applicant's bill, or of wilful or unreasonable use of water, the supply of water will be cut off and all payment shall be forfeited to the village.
   I.   Hours Of Access: The supervisor and his authorized agents shall have free access at all hours of the day between seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. to all parts of every building in which the water is delivered and consumed, in order to examine the pipes and fixtures and ascertain whether there is any unnecessary waste, and if such access be refused, the supply of water may be cut off without further notice.
   J.   Lawn Sprinkling:
      1.   The mechanical sprinkling of lawns shall be allowed on the basis of an odd/even system with the last digit of the building's street address to correspond to that calendar day (odd or even) when sprinkling is allowed.
      2.   Sprinkling shall be prohibited during the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) noon to six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
      3.   In the event of an emergency declared by the village president or, in his absence, the village manager, all outside water use shall be prohibited until further notice by the village.
      4.   The director of community development shall have the authority to issue a special watering permit for new seed and sod based upon generally accepted landscape practices. There shall be no fee for this permit.
   K.   Placement Of Meters: All meters must be placed by expert persons licensed by the village or the water division. The person doing the work must flush the pipe thoroughly before connecting the meter. Red or white lead or other compounds must not be used in such meters.
   L.   Conducting Pipes Of Meters: The conducting pipes of meters shall be joined with square faced unions or flanges, and a full round way stop and waste cock or gate valve, with waste inserted so as to conveniently provide for draining pipes and meters for repairs, and for use in freezing weather and in emergencies. The shutoff must be as low as the meter connection. The meter must not be set in a place where the ground and surface water can rise and cover it.
   M.   Removal Of Meter Or MIU: No meter or MIU shall be removed or disturbed without first having obtained permission from the supervisor.
   N.   Turnon Upon Order Of Supervisor: The water shall not be turned on into any house or private service pipe except upon the order of the supervisor, and plumbers are prohibited from turning the water into any service pipe except upon the order and permission of the supervisor. This rule shall not be construed to prohibit any expert person licensed by the village admitting water to test pipes and for that purpose only.
   O.   Drinking Fountains: No hydrants, except public drinking fountains, shall be placed within the limits of any streets, and no drinking fountain shall be erected for public use which has openings by which it can be used as a source of domestic supply.
   P.   Measurement Of Water: All water supplied by the village shall be measured by meter and MIU except as hereinafter provided. Any tap heretofore made in any private water service pipe, which is located between the public water supply pipe and the meter and MIU, shall be plugged at the main supply pipe and the meter, and the use of any such tap discontinued.
   Q.   Multiple-Occupant Buildings; Water Rent Payable By Owner: In all cases where one service pipe supplies two (2) or more separate consumers in a building occupied by several families, one meter and MIU may be placed at the service connection for either or all of said consumers, and the water rent as registered by such meter and MIU shall be charged to, and be payable by, the owner of such premises or building.
   R.   Setting, Taking Off Or Repairing Of Meters: The setting, taking off or repairing of meters and MIUs shall be done under the supervision of the supervisor or any other person authorized by the village president.
   S.   Failure To Comply; Authority Of Supervisor: Whenever two (2) or more persons shall be supplied with one service pipe, connecting with the distribution main, the failure on the part of any one of said parties to comply with the rules and restrictions provided for the use of water shall authorize the supervisor to withhold the supply of water from such main, without any liability whatever.
   T.   For a violation of any of these rules and regulations and such others as the board of trustees may adopt, the village reserves the right to stop the supply of water and withhold restoration of the service until all back water rent, costs and damages shall be paid, together with a payment of either fifty dollars ($50.00) or seventy five dollars ($75.00) for the expense of turning off the water and turning it on again 1 , and upon a satisfactory understanding with the party that no further cause for complaint shall arise, and the village hereby reserves to itself the full right, power and authority to cut off the supply of water at any time without incurring any liability or cause of action for damage of any kind; any permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. In case of a second violation of said regulations by any person, the supervisor may cause the ferrule to be withdrawn. Should this be done, a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) or seventy five dollars ($75.00) will be made for reinserting said ferrule.
   U.   Maintenance And Responsibility Of Service Line: The maintenance and responsibility of any service line shall be as follows:
      1.   Single-family residences: The property owner is responsible for normal maintenance (including, but not limited to, periodic sewer rodding). The village shall be responsible for, and shall perform repair of water and sewer service connections in the public right of way. Repair and maintenance of service connections outside the public right of way shall be borne by the property owner.
      2.   Rental and all other property in the village: The property owner shall be responsible for, and shall perform repair of any water and sewer service connections no matter where the repair or maintenance is located.
In the case of an emergency, the village may repair any service line and charge the cost of the repair to the owner, who shall pay for the cost of the repair upon tender of the invoice.
It shall be unlawful to excavate for or begin work on the installation, repair or maintenance of any utility system service connection before a written permit for same is obtained from the director of community and economic development, or his designee. Any repair or maintenance to be performed by the property owner shall be undertaken only upon notice to and approval of the village public works department, and it shall be undertaken in compliance with the requirements of the permit, and only by a licensed contractor approved to do the work by the director of public works. All excavation for repair or maintenance of service lines shall be done in compliance with village code regulations regarding excavation work.
Any person who shall violate any or either of the rules and regulations for the government of water takers or expert persons licensed by the village as specified in this section shall, upon conviction, in addition to the enforcement of the forfeitures, liabilities, stipulations and reservations therein contained, pay a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 58-2010, 6-22-2010; amd. Ord. 41-2020, 8-25-2020)



1. See section 8-7-8 of this chapter.