The following are hereby declared to be nuisance greenery and it shall be unlawful to permit any such to grow or remain on property of any kind within the village or in the manner or condition stated:
   A.   Any weeds, such as jimson, burdock, ragweed, thistle, cocklebur or other weeds of a like kind, found growing in any lot or tract of land in the village, unless located on a portion thereof designated as a detention area, wetland, or riparian area by statute or ordinance or on a duly approved and recorded plat of subdivision.
   B.   Willows of all kinds standing in or on any public street, alley, sidewalk, paths, or other public right of way of the village, or along the margin thereof such that any part of them overhang such street, alley, sidewalk, public path, or other public right of way.
   C.   The following trees or shrubs standing or located on any property such that the fruit, berries, nuts, or seeds thereof shall fall onto any public street, alley, sidewalk, path, or public right of way: 1) Osage orange (Maclura pomifera), also known as horse apple, bois d'arc, or bodark; 2) mulberry (Morus); and 3) northern catalpa (Catalpa speciosa).
   D.   Female ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), also known as maidenhair tree.
   E.   Weeds, grass, and plants, other than trees, bushes, and horticultural varieties of flowers and plants intended for ornamental purposes, in excess of eight inches (8") in height, unless located in an area designated as a detention area, wetland, or riparian area by statute or ordinance or on a duly approved and recorded plat of subdivision.
   F.   Any flower, plant, bush, or tree, whether or not intended for ornamental purposes, that overhangs or protrudes into the space within eight feet (8') of the surface of any public sidewalk, path, or pedestrian right of way or within fifteen feet (15') of the surface of any public street, road, alley, or other vehicular right of way, unless located in an area designated as a detention area, wetland, or riparian area by statute or ordinance or on a duly approved and recorded plat of subdivision. (Ord. 52-2010, 6-8-2010)