(A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or place any garbage, within the meaning of this chapter, in any alley, street, stream or other public place within the city, nor shall any person deposit or place any garbage upon private property, whether owned by the person or not, within the limits of the city unless the same shall be enclosed in a suitable container.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person to discard, place, drop, throw or leave any paper, bottle, can, rubbish or any other waste matter, as defined in this chapter, upon any street, sidewalk or right-of-way of the city, or upon any private property within the limits of the city unless the same is deposited in a suitable container normally provided therefor.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful for any person to bring any type of refuse that originates outside the city limits into the city for collection by city forces. No refuse generated outside the corporate limits of the city may be placed in a bulk container or roll-a-waste container in the city.
      (4)   (a)   It shall be unlawful to dump, discard or otherwise cause or allow garbage, trash, asphalt, concrete or other refuse to be placed on any private or public property located within the city limits not designated as a dumping site by the zoning ordinance of the city. If any such refuse is so placed, the owner of the offending property is responsible for its complete removal within 30 days of receiving written notice by the Code Enforcement Officer to do so. Failure within 30 days following notice to do so shall subject the owner to a fine not to exceed $500 for the first offense. For a continuing violation of this section, each additional 30-day increment of failure to completely remove said refuse shall subject the property owner to fines in additional increments of $500 for each 30-day increment of failure to completely remove said refuse.
         (b)   The city may provide by mutual agreement a suspension of the provisions of this division (A)(4) when there is a significant effort by a private property owner to clear an offending property and the best interest of the city would be served by providing the private property owner reasonable time in clearing an offending property of several acres.
   (B)   “Brown goods” shall include furniture, mattresses, carpeting, textile material and similar household items.
(Ord. 94-07-01, passed 7-12-94; Am. Ord. 06-01-99, passed 5-15-99; Am. Ord. 16-01-001, passed 1-19-16; Am. Ord. 019-01-020, passed 1-15-19) Penalty, see § 51.99