For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASHES. The cold residue from the burning of wood, coal or other combustible materials.
   COMMERCIAL CONTAINER or BULK CONTAINER. A metal container, provided by the customer, of not less than four cubic yards or larger than eight cubic yards capacity, to be water tight, of all steel construction, with doors opening on top and on sides in larger containers, and shall be constructed to be emptied by a self-loading truck. The container shall be of standard design, suitable for pick-up by city vehicles, and approved by the Public Works Director and subject to approval of the City Administrator.
   CONSTRUCTION WASTE or BUILDING WASTE. Any and all refuse or residue resulting from building construction, repairs or demolition, and shall include grading, shrubbing, and the like, in connection with any building or landscape work on any premises, commercial or residential, or from replacement of building equipment or appliances.
   CURBSIDE. The area at the edge of the road where garbage and trash shall be placed. That area immediately adjacent to the edge of the roadway.
   ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. Any police officer, inspection officer, litter control officer or other city employee as may be designated an ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR by the Administrator.
   GARBAGE. Putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE. Includes paint, poison, acids, caustics, explosives, chemicals, petroleum derivatives, hot ashes or coals or highly contaminated material such as human or animal waste, which would constitute a danger to collection personnel or to anyone who may come in contact with the waste.
   HOUSEHOLD. A house or tenement.
   HOUSEHOLDER. One who occupies a house or tenement alone or as the head of a household.
   REFUSE or RUBBISH. Includes yard clippings, cardboard boxes, leaves, tree trimmings, grass clippings and clippings from shrubs in the yard of a house holder. This is to include white goods, washing machines, stoves, hot water heaters, refrigerators, and the like.
   ROLL-A-WASTE CONTAINER. A type of garbage container provided by the city and specified by the City Council and/or City Administrator, for use in garbage collection. The container shall remain the property of the city.
(Ord. 94-07-01, passed 7-12-94; Am. Ord. 019-01-020, passed 1-15-19)