(A)   (1)   Unless elsewhere exempted by this chapter, no building, sign or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to or structurally altered without a permit therefor, issued by the Building Inspector.
      (2)    No building or sign permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, unless he receives a written order from the Board of Zoning and Housing Appeals in the form of an administrative review, special exception or variance as provided by this chapter.
      (3)   In addition to the requirements of this chapter, the Building Inspector shall review sign permits for compliance with the provisions of the Building Code in effect in the city. Unlawful signs shall be made to comply with all regulations or shall be removed in accordance with the appropriate provisions set forth in the Building Code.
      (4)   If the work described in any building permit has not begun within six months from the date of issuance thereof, the permit shall expire. It shall be canceled by the Building Inspector and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected.
   (B)   (1)   Application requirements for a building permit.
         (a)   Each application for a permit for a building or structure other than a sign shall be accompanied by two sets of the following or as much thereof as the Building Official shall find necessary to determine whether the proposed building or use will be in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
         (b)   A plat and/or site plan with date and scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon; the size, height and location on the lot of existing and proposed buildings and structures; the existing and intended use of each building; the number of families or housekeeping units the building is designed to accommodate; buffer areas; flood and wetland areas; proposed parking; building elevations and other information with regard to the lot and contiguous land uses as required to determine compliance with and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.
      (2)   Application requirements for a sign permit. Each application to erect a sign, where a sign permit is required by this chapter, shall be accompanied by the following information:
         (a)   Common signage plan, where applicable, in accord with the requirements of § 152.048;
         (b)   Identification of ownership and/or leaseholder of property on which the sign is to be erected, including street address;
         (c)   Name and address of the owner of the sign;
         (d)   Site plan sketch with dimensions (non-professionally drafted plan is acceptable) showing the location of the sign with respect to the property and right-of-way lines, building and setback lines, and buildings, parking areas, existing free-standing signs and buffer areas;
         (e)   Correct size, shape, configuration, face area, height, nature, number and type of sign to be erected;
         (f)   The value of the sign and sign structure; and
         (g)   The Building Official may waive any of the informational requirements listed above deemed unnecessary to process an application.
      (3)   Fees. Fees to cover the administrative cost of issuing permits and certificates shall accompany all requests for the permits and certificates, and for processing applications for variance and amendments. The amount of the fees shall be determined by the Mayor and City Council, a schedule of which shall be available at City Hall.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94; Am. Ord. 05-02-03, passed 2-15-05)