§ 152.099 TOWNHOUSES.
   Due to the unique design features of townhouses, the dimensional requirements of the districts in which they may be located are hereby waived and substituted by the following design requirements:
   (A)   Townhouse projects shall have a minimum of 0.5 acre.
   (B)   No more than eight and no fewer than three townhouses may be joined together, with approximately the same (but staggered) front line.
   (C)   Side yard setbacks at the end unit shall be as required for the district in which the project is to be located, with not less than 20 feet setback between buildings in the project area.
   (D)   Rear yard setbacks shall be 20 feet.
   (E)   Minimum lot width shall be 18 feet.
   (F)   Sidewalks not less than three feet in width shall be provided along the front property line of each project.
   (G)   Impervious surface area shall not exceed 65% of a townhouse lot, on average, except where a minimum of 20% of the project area is in common open space. In such instances, impervious surface areas may increase to 85% of a townhouse lot, on average.
   (H)   Maximum height of buildings shall not exceed 35 feet.
   (I)   Front yard setbacks shall be 20 feet, but may be waived or modified by the Planning Commission due to the unique style of the housing.
   (J)   Rear yards shall be enclosed by a six-foot wall or fence, unless used for parking, and may include one accessory building no greater than 1,000 square feet in GFA.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94)