Bed and breakfast inns, where permitted by this chapter, shall meet the following requirements:
   (A)   The uses shall be allowed only in older residential structures that are recognized as architecturally, historically or culturally significant and that, through renovation and use as a bed and breakfast inn, will contribute significantly to the ambience, character or economic revitalization of the neighborhood.
   (B)   The architectural integrity and arrangement of existing interior spaces must be maintained, except as may be required to meet health, safety and sanitation requirements.
   (C)   Minimal outward modification of the structure or grounds may be made only if the changes are compatible with the character of the area or neighborhood.
   (D)   The proposed uses shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval prior to the issuance of a permit for same.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94)