(A)   Minimum area. For the purpose of these regulations, an off-street parking space is an all-weather surfaced area not in a street or alley and having an area of not less than 180 square feet, exclusive of driveways, permanently reserved for the temporary storage of one automobile and connected with a street or alley by an all-weather surfaced driveway which affords ingress and egress for an automobile without requiring another automobile to be moved.
   (B)   Drainage and maintenance.
      (1)   Off-street parking facilities shall be drained to prevent damage to abutting property and/or public streets or alleys and surfaced with erosion-resistant material.
      (2)   Off-street parking areas shall be maintained in a clean, orderly and dust-free condition as the expense of the owner or lessee and not used for the sale, repair or dismantling or servicing of any vehicles, equipment, materials or supplies.
   (C)   Separation from walkways and streets. Off-street parking spaces shall be separated from walkways, sidewalks, streets or alleys by a wall, fence or curbing or other approved protective device.
   (D)   Entrances and exits. Landscaping, curbing or other approved barriers shall be provided along lot boundaries to control entrance and exit of vehicles or pedestrians.
   (E)   Marking.
      (1)   Parking spaces in lots of more than ten spaces shall be marked, by painted lines or curbs or other means to indicate individual spaces.
      (2)   Signs or markers shall be used as necessary to ensure efficient traffic operation of the lot.
   (F)   Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided if off-street parking spaces are to be used at night. The lighting shall be arranged and installed to minimize glare on property in a residential district.
   (G)   Screening. When off-street parking areas for ten or more automobiles are located closer than 50 feet to a lot in a residential district, or to any lot upon which there is a dwelling as a permitted use under these regulations, and where the parking areas are not entirely screened visually from the lot by an intervening building or structure, there shall be provided along the lot line a continuous, visual screen with a minimum height of six feet, the screen may consist of a compact evergreen hedge or foliage screening or a louvered wall or fence.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94)