(A)   The minimum area for a cemetery shall be five acres.
   (B)   Setback.
      (1)   Where a cemetery adjoins non-residentially-zoned property, no setback is required. However, if a setback is provided, it shall not be less than five feet in width.
      (2)   When a cemetery adjoins residentially zoned property, no building structure, burial plot or storage of equipment or materials shall have a minimum setback of 50 feet of the adjacent residentially zoned property and have a minimum setback of 25 feet from all road right-of-ways.
   (C)   Screening and buffering.
      (1)   Screening must be provided alongside and rear exterior lot lines where any non-residential use is adjacent to a residential use and/or district for the purpose of screening non-residential activities from view. Unless otherwise required, the following landscaping and screening provisions will apply.
      (2)   A six foot wall, fence, berm, evergreen screening plant material, or a combination of wall, fence, berm or evergreen screening plant material with a combined height of six feet above grade shall be used for the purposes of screening. If evergreen plant material is used, it must be at least four feet in height at time of planting and capable of forming a continuous opaque screen at least six feet in height, with individual plantings spaced not more than five feet apart. Berms shall have a side slope no greater than 3:1.
   (D)   Off-street parking. Adequate off-street waiting space shall be provided for funeral processions so that no vehicle stands or waits in a road right-of-way.
   (E)   Access. All cemetery access shall be provided from an arterial or collector street.
   (F)   Additional requirements.
      (1)   Mausoleums may be located only within the boundaries of approved cemeteries.
      (2)   Cemetery review standards shall apply to all cemeteries, regardless of zoning classification.
      (3)   A storm water plan must be submitted and approved by the city before cemetery approval may be granted.
      (4)   A cemetery may not be located in a flood plain or floodway (i.e., an area of special flood hazard).
      (5)   Perpetual care cemeteries must also comply with S.C. Code, Title 40, Chapter 8.
   (G)   Preexisting cemeteries. Any cemetery or portion of a cemetery that is preexisting on the date of adoption of this section shall be considered a non-conforming use. All other shall be subject to the specific provisions of this section.
   (H)   Columbariums. Columbariums are allowed on church properties and cemetery properties in all districts as a use permitted by special exception by the Board of Zoning and Housing Appeals.
(Ord. 12-11-01, passed 11-20-12)