(A)   The purpose of this district is to provide for the orderly and planned development of mobile home parks and courts in order to enhance the health and safety of our citizens. Mobile home parks or courts shall contain an area not less than 2½ acres and shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   The maximum number of mobile homes per acre shall not exceed eight.
      (2)   Sanitary sewage, storm drainage, water and refuse disposal facilities are available.
      (3)   Parking spaces are paved, properly marked and lighted.
      (4)   Concrete curbs or other appropriate car stops are installed at the end of all “head-in” parking bays which are not “drive-through” type.
      (5)   Roadways are not to be dedicated as public streets, have a minimum travel width of 20 feet exclusive of parking.
      (6)   All roadways are paved with cement or asphalt.
      (7)   No access roadway to a mobile home park is located closer than 150 feet to any public street intersection.
      (8)   The number of entrances and/or exits do not exceed the ratio of one per 150 feet of parking frontage. Parks with less than 150 feet frontage are only allowed one combination ingress and egress road.
      (9)   A 15-foot landscaped buffer strip (screening) is provided along the side and rear lot lines. The screening may be evergreen trees or shrubs. In lieu of the planting strip, a masonry wall or fence at lease five feet high and designed to provide equivalent screening may be provided.
      (10)   A minimum of 10% of the land area is set aside and developed for recreational purposes.
      (11)   No recreational area shall be less than 300 square feet in area. No area shall be located over a drainage field or septic tank.
      (12)   A request or application for a mobile home park is accompanied by a “plot plan” illustrating the above requirements and showing the placement of all mobile homes, structures, facilities, landscaping, off-street parking and drives. This plan shall become a part of the application, and if approved, any violation thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor.
   (B)   It is the intention by the creation of this district to provide for the use of mobile homes subject to the conditions and requirements set forth and prohibit the use of mobile homes in all areas of the city except this district.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94)