§ 152.027 U-1, INDUSTRIAL.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide primarily for light manufacturing, fabricating, warehousing and wholesale distributing in areas with off-street loading and off-street parking for employees and with access by major streets or railroads. Commercial uses are not limited, but residential development is excluded.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Within the U-1 district, a building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Cemeteries;
      (2)   Building supply and lumber yards;
      (3)   Cabinet shops;
      (4)   Cold storage and freezer lockers;
      (5)   Coal yards and wood yards;
      (6)   Cotton gins;
      (7)   Laundries and/or dry cleaning establishments;
      (8)   Storage yards, including automobile junk yards, provided:
         (a)   No material, because it is discarded and incapable of being reused in some form, shall be placed in storage or junk yard.
         (b)   No material shall be placed in any junk yard in a manner that it is capable of being transferred out of the junk yard by wind, water or other causes.
         (c)   All paper, rags, cloth, other fibers and activities involving the same other than loading and unloading, shall be within a fully enclosed building.
         (d)   In order to lessen the adverse effect on adjoining property, reduce wind-blown trash and create a more healthful environment, all junkyard materials and activities not within fully enclosed buildings shall not be located nearer than 60 feet to any street line and shall be surrounded by a greenbelt planting strip composed of a row of white pine trees spaced not further than ten feet apart. This greenbelt planting strip may be modified by the Board of Zoning and Housing Appeals in situations where abundant natural buffering exists in the form of vegetation and/or terrain or where suitable planting is proposed. The Board of Zoning and Housing Appeals may also approve an alternate method of buffering when planting is not practical.
      (9)   Industrial and processing plants provided that the uses shall not be injurious or obnoxious to surrounding development;
      (10)   Customary accessory uses;
      (11)   Signs, provided they are in accordance with the provisions set forth in §§ 152.045 through 152.053.
   (C)   Dimensional requirements. Regulations governing the location and height of structures, and the area on which they may be placed are as follows:
      (1)   Lot area requirements. No minimum lot area is required.
      (2)   Yard requirements.
         (a)   There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of 50 feet. No building, however, shall be erected or structurally altered within 75 feet of the centerline or centerline of any abutting street or streets.
         (b)   No side yard shall be required except that for a corner lot, the side yard abutting the side street shall have a minimum depth of 50 feet. No building, however, shall be erected or structurally altered within 75 feet of the centerline of the abutting side street.
         (c)   No rear yard shall be required except in the case of a rear yard abutting on a street, then the rear yard shall be considered another front yard and minimum front yard requirements for this district shall be effective.
      (3)   Height requirements. The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall be 150 feet.
      (4)   Off-street parking requirements. See §§ 152.065 through 152.070.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94; Am. Ord. 05-02-03, passed 2-15-05)