(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide for the intensive business and commercial development of the Bennettsville central business district. Off-street parking is permitted separately and is not required as a use because of small lot sizes and intensity of development. This district is designed to provide comparative shopping opportunities within a concentrated area, and promote a business climate essential to the vitality and economic stability of the community.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Within the C-1 district, a building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes.
      (2)   All uses, including signs in accord with §§ 152.045 through 152.053, are permitted except the following which are specifically prohibited:
         (a)   Building supplies and/or lumber yards;
         (b)   Cabinet shops;
         (c)   Cemeteries;
         (d)   Coal yards and wood yards;
         (e)   Cotton gins;
         (f)   Garage apartments and/or rear yard dwellings;
         (g)   Junk yards and/or used auto parts;
         (h)   Laundries and/or dry cleaning establishments;
         (i)   Machine shops;
         (j)   Manufacturing plants, where articles produced are sold at wholesale, either direct or through distributors, and where the total number of employees or operatives is five persons or less. In no case shall any of the following industrial processes or storage of the products thereof be permitted in the central business district:
            1.   Acid manufacture;
            2.   Cement, lime gypsum or plaster of Paris manufacture;
            3.   Distillation of bones;
            4.   Explosives manufacture;
            5.   Fertilizer manufacture;
            6.   Garbage, offal or dead animal reduction or dumping;
            7.   Glue manufacture;
            8.   Petroleum, refining or bulk storage;
            9.   Poultry hatching, raising or processing;
            10.   Smelting of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores; and
            11.   Stock yards or slaughter of animals.
         (k)   Mobile homes parks or courts;
         (1)   Recycling facilities, but not enclosed or screened pick-up stations;
         (m)   Mini-warehouses;
         (n)   Self service carwashes;
         (o)   Adult uses;
         (p)   Veterinary and animal boarding services; and
         (q)   Substance abuse clinics (aka drug clinics) offering counseling, drug dispensing, or other services.
   (C)   Dimensional requirements. Regulations governing the location and height of structures, and the area on which they may be placed are as follow:
      (1)   Lot area requirements. There shall be no minimum lot size.
      (2)   Yard requirements.
         (a)   No front yard minimum depth shall be required. No building, however, shall be erected or structurally altered so as to be within 40 feet of the centerline of the abutting street.
         (b)   No side yard minimum depth shall be required. No building, however, shall be erected or structurally altered as to be within 40 feet of the center line of the abutting street.
         (c)   No rear yard minimum depth shall be required. On through lots, however, the yard abutting the rear street shall be considered a front yard and the front yard requirements for the district in which the yard is located shall be met. For lots which abut on an alley at the rear of the lot, no building or structure shall be erected within 15 feet of the centerline of the alley.
      (3)   Height requirements. The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall be 75 feet.
      (4)   Off-street parking requirements. There are none.
(Ord. 94-06-01, passed 6-14-94; Am. Ord. 17-02-01, passed 2-21-17)