(A)   The officers of the Department shall be appointed by the Chief to the positions as he may deem necessary for the operation of the Department.
   (B)   The Chief, and in his absence, the next ranking officer available, shall absolutely control and have the management at all fires. All Department personnel shall be subject to and obey his orders. He shall regulate the handling of all apparatus.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of all Department personnel to answer all alarms.
   (D)   Any personnel who are found guilty of gambling in any form, drinking or storing alcoholic beverages, promiscuous use of vulgar or profane language shall be expelled or suspended by the Chief.
   (E)   All Department personnel shall report to the station after all fires and perform all duties pertaining to the Department until dismissed by the Chief or some other officer.
(‘88 Code, § 9.403)
   Fire Prevention; Fireworks, see Chapter 93