(A)   If, after notice and hearing as provided above, the Housing Enforcement Officer determines that the dwelling under consideration is unfit for human habitation, he shall state in writing his findings of fact in support of the determination and shall issue and cause to be served upon the owner thereof an order, providing as follows:
      (1)   If the repair, alteration or improvement of the dwelling can be made at a reasonable cost in relation to the value of the dwelling, which reasonable cost is hereby determined as 50% or less of the value of the dwelling, requiring the owner, within the time specified in the order, to repair, alter or improve the dwelling to render it fit for human habitation or to vacate and close the dwelling as a human habitation; or
      (2)   If the repair, alteration or improvement of the dwelling cannot be made at a reasonable cost in relation to the value of the dwelling, which reasonable cost is hereby determined as 50% or less of the value of the dwelling, requiring the owner, within the time specified in the order, to remove or demolish the dwelling.
(S.C. Code § 31-15-30(3)) (‘88 Code, § 5.204)
   (B)   (1)   If the owner fails to comply with an order to repair, alter or improve or to vacate and close a dwelling, the Housing Enforcement Officer may cause the dwelling to be repaired, altered or improved or to be vacated and closed. The Enforcement Officer may cause to be posted on the main entrance of any dwelling so closed a placard with the following words: “This building is unfit for human habitation. The usage or occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful.” (S.C. Code § 31-15-30(4))
      (2)   If the owner fails to comply with an order to remove or demolish the dwelling, the Enforcement Officer may cause the dwelling to be removed or demolished. (S.C. Code § 31-15-30(5))
      (3)   The amount of the cost of the repairs, alterations or improvements, vacating and closing or removal or demolition by the Housing Enforcement Officer shall be a lien against the real property upon which cost was incurred, and said cost shall be added to the annual property tax levied on the property and shall be collected in the same manner as the annual property tax. Said costs shall be forwarded by the appropriate City of Bennettsville Official to the Marlboro County Treasurer for collection in the manner set forth above. (S.C. Code § 31-15-30(6))
(‘88 Code, § 5.205) (Am. Ord. 017-11-01, passed 11-21-17)