§ 132.01 FALSE ALARMS.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly give a false fire alarm by telephoning, informing any person that an emergency exists, knowing the same to be untrue, or in any other manner, communicating falsely to the Fire Department that an emergency exists. ('88 Code, § 9.201)
   (B)   Any person, firm or corporation having a fire alarm, smoke detector or other type of alarm, and which alarm has a direct or indirect connection which calls for a response from the Fire Department, shall be allowed two false alarms during any one calendar year and will be charged a fee of $50 for the third false alarm responded to by the Fire Department within such calendar year and $100 for each false alarm responded to thereafter within such calendar year.
   (C)   If the possessor of the alarm shows to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief that the false alarm was not the result of negligence or improper maintenance such fee may be waived.
Penalty, see § 130.99
Statutory reference:
   Statutory prohibitions, see S.C. Code § 16-17-570