(A)   Appointment; tenure. The Council may appoint a City Attorney who shall be a lawyer of good and reputable standing who shall hold office at the pleasure of Council, pursuant to S.C. Code § 5-7-230. (‘88 Code, § 2.601)
   (B)   Duties.
      (1)   The Attorney shall attend all meetings of Council, unless excused. He shall act as parliamentarian. When requested, he shall draft all ordinances and resolutions and review ordinances, resolutions and documents presented to Council. He shall give opinions upon questions of municipal procedure, form and law to any member of Council and other municipal officials, when requested.
      (2)   It also may be the duty of the Attorney to prosecute all cases before the Municipal Court when a jury trial is demanded or the defendant is represented by an attorney.
      (3)   The Attorney shall defend the municipality against all civil suits.
(‘88 Code, § 2.602)
   (C)   Compensation. The Attorney shall be compensated as determined by Council. (‘88 Code, § 2.603)
Statutory reference:
   Appointment and duties of attorney, see S.C. Code § 5-7-230