(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to cut any paved streets within the corporate limits of the city without first obtaining written permission. (‘88 Code, § 15.108)
   (B)   A certified check in an amount to be fixed by the Mayor, shall be required and deposited with the Mayor for the purpose of indemnifying the city against any loss or damages in repairing street cuts. The certified check shall be cashed upon the nonpayment of a bill when rendered for the repairing of damages. Any surplus remaining after cashing the check shall be accounted for to the payer. (‘88 Code, § 15.109)
   (C)   Any plumber, inspector, their agents and employees or any other persons who shall open or cut any ditch in or across any sidewalk or drain in the city, shall be allowed 48 hours in which to place any water or sewer pipe from the time they begin to cut the ditch, and the ditch shall be filled up and closed within 48 hours from the time they begin to cut the ditch. (‘88 Code, § 15.110)
   (D)   In all cases where the pavement has been cut, no backfilling of trenches shall be done except in the presence of the Mayor or his representative. Any person, in backfilling trenches where pavement has been cut, shall use dry earth free from stones, which shall be spread in layers not over four inches thick, and rammed thoroughly with at least two men ramming to each man shoveling, and more, if necessary, if so deemed by the Mayor or his representative. This backfilling shall be brought up to not less that eight inches of the finished surface of the pavement. The adjoining concrete base on each side of the ditch shall be cut to an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal, so as to form a shoulder of the new concrete base to rest upon. Great care shall be taken not to allow any broken pieces of old concrete to remain in the shoulder so formed. Upon the rammed subgrade, a six inch course of 1-3-6 mixed concrete shall be placed, the concrete to be well protected from traffic for at least 24 hours or until it has set sufficiently to receive the two inch asphalt top, brick, beligina, block or any other kind of pavement which the city is currently using. (‘88 Code, § 15.111)
   (E)   All plumbers, inspectors, their agents or employees or other persons shall be required to replace a street, sidewalk or drain in the same condition that they were in before they were opened or cut for the purpose of water and sewer. In other words, the person making the excavation shall fill or cause to be filled the cut in or ditch with dirt, water and tamp the same until the street, sidewalk or drains shall be in as good condition as they were in before being cut or ditched. (‘88 Code, § 15.112)
   (F)   It shall be unlawful to allow any trench, ditch or excavation in any street, sidewalk or public place of the city to remain open between sunset and sunrise, unless the trench ditch or excavation has a sufficient number of lights properly displayed around it as danger signals to prevent accidents to persons or property. (‘88 Code, § 15.113)
Penalty, see § 10.99