§ 30.26 VOTING.
   (A)   Votes; number and results.
      (1)   A show of hands or a voice vote shall be sufficient to record votes. During the voting, no member shall leave the Council chamber without permission of the presiding officer.
      (2)   All actions of Council shall be by majority vote of the members present.
      (3)   The result of each vote on every question shall be recorded in the minutes by the Clerk. The “yeas” and “nays” on any question shall be recorded when requested by any member.
      (4)   Every member of Council, including the Mayor, shall have one vote on every question, except when required to refrain from voting by state law.
(‘88 Code, § 2.208)
   (B)   How often members may speak. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, except to explain his position, without concurrence of a majority of the Council. (‘88 Code, § 2.209)
   (C)   Reasons for voting may be recorded. Any member shall have his reasons for voting for or against any measure recorded in the minutes, at his request. (‘88 Code, § 2.210)
   (D)   Interested member or Mayor not to vote. Neither the Mayor nor any member of Council shall vote on any question of a private nature in which he is personally or pecuniarily interested. (‘88 Code, § 2.211)
   (E)   Mayor to preside; when absent. The Mayor shall preside at all Council meetings, when present. In the absence of both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore the duties of the Mayor shall be performed by a member of the Council as the Council may designate. (‘88 Code, § 2.212)
   (F)   Executive sessions.  
      (1)   Council may hold executive sessions as permitted by the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act at the times and places as Council may deem necessary and in the public interest.
      (2)   A majority vote of Council shall be necessary to call the sessions.
(‘88 Code, § 2.213)
Statutory reference:
   Open meetings required, exceptions, see S.C. Code §§ 30-4-60 and 30-4-70
   Statutory rules of conduct, prohibitions, see S.C. Code §§ 8-13-700 et seq.